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1/2 PNG image display

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Ssytems View Drop Down

Joined: 02 February 2012
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    Posted: 02 February 2012 at 9:00pm
HI Guys, I have tried everything I know but can't seem to get this to work
I have a MarkupLabel control with a very simple XAML and image as shown. When I pass the source as a path to a .png file, the label displays OK. But when I add the image to a Resource DLL and load it using the "XtremeSuiteControls.Icons.LoadBitmapFromResource oRes.hModule, 100, IDS(), xtpImageNormal" and a class code I got from this forum, only 1/2 of the image is shown. I have tried widths, alighnments, no luck. Can someone see if there's something I am missing in the XAML?
Here's what the image looks like with Source = ''filepath.png'
sysinfo 2
Here's what the image looks like with Source = '100' where 100= the resource id of the same image added to a dll C++ resource. 
Please help. The XAML code is below. 
label1.Caption = _
                "<Grid TextElement.FontFamily='Calibri' TextElement.FontSize='17' VerticalAlignment='Center' Margin='0' HorizontalAlignment='Left' >" & _
                        "<Grid.ColumnDefinitions>" & _
                            "<ColumnDefinition/>" & _
                            "<ColumnDefinition/>" & _
                            "<ColumnDefinition/>" & _
                        "</Grid.ColumnDefinitions>" & _
                        "<Grid.RowDefinitions>" & _
                            "<RowDefinition Height='Auto' />" & _
                            "<RowDefinition Height='Auto' />" & _
                            "<RowDefinition Height='Auto'/>" & _
                            "<RowDefinition Height='Auto'/>" & _
                        "</Grid.RowDefinitions>" & _
                        "<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment='Right' VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='1' Grid.Row='0' TextAlignment='Right' Width='Auto'><Bold><Run>Status:  </Run></Bold></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment='Right' VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='1' Grid.Row='1' TextAlignment='Right' Width='Auto'><Bold>User Name:  </Bold></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment='Right' VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='1' Grid.Row='2' TextAlignment='Right' Width='Auto'><Bold>Create Date:  </Bold></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment='Right' VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='1' Grid.Row='3' TextAlignment='Right' Width='Auto'><Bold>SAP System:  </Bold></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='2' Grid.Row='0'><Hyperlink Click='Hello2'>   Connected</Hyperlink></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='2' Grid.Row='1'><Hyperlink>Udofias</Hyperlink></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='2' Grid.Row='2'><Hyperlink>01/26/2011 9:14 PM</Hyperlink></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<TextBlock VerticalAlignment='Center' Grid.Column='2' Grid.Row='3'><Hyperlink Click='Hello'><Run>Development</Run></Hyperlink></TextBlock>" & _
                        "<Image Grid.RowSpan='4'  Source='100'  Stretch='None' Width='100' Height='110' HorizontalAlignment='Left'>" & _
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