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Reordering the Quick Access Toolbar

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Printed Date: 01 March 2025 at 11:36am
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Topic: Reordering the Quick Access Toolbar
Posted By: mrmathis
Subject: Reordering the Quick Access Toolbar
Date Posted: 19 February 2008 at 6:26pm
I am trying to extend the Quick Access customization page by adding "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons a la MS Word's version of this dialog, but I'm not having much success.  Here is some sample code from my CustomizeQAT::OnMoveUp handler that can be used to replace the body of CXTPRibbonCustomizeQuickAccessPage::OnButtonReset to illustrate what I am trying to do.

// Swap the selected item in the Quick Access list with the previous item
void MyQuickAccessPage::OnButtonMoveUp()
    if (!GetDlgItem(IDC_RIBBONBUTTON_MOVE_UP)->IsWindowEnabled())
    int nSel = m_lstQuickAccess.GetCurSel();
    if (nSel < 1)
    CXTPControl* pControlInList = (CXTPControl*)m_lstQuickAccess.GetItemDataPtr(nSel);
    if (!pControlInList)
    CXTPRibbonQuickAccessControls* pQuickAccessControls = GetRibbonBar()->GetQuickAccessControls();
    if (!pQuickAccessControls)
    CXTPControl* pControlInQAT = pQuickAccessControls->FindControl(pControlInList->GetID());
    if (!pControlInQAT)
    // I'm not convinced that GetIndex is the same as the position in the array,
    // so this may not be correct.  Is GetIndex 1-based rather than 0-based?
    long nPrev = pControlInQAT->GetIndex() - 1 - 1;
    if (nPrev < 0)
    // This was my first try.  It asserts and crashes in CXTPControls::MoveBefore
    // because pQuickAccessControls != pControlInQAT->GetControls()
    //pQuickAccessControls->MoveBefore(pControlInQAT, (int)nPrev);
    // This seems like it would work.  It does result in the objects in the list
    // control swapping, but no corresponding change happens on the QAT.
    pQuickAccessControls->AddClone(pControlInList, nPrev);
I wrote some code to dump the QAT try to track what is going on and called it from the debugger at strategic points. Here's that function:
void DumpQAT()
    . . . get the ribbon bar . . .
            if (CXTPRibbonQuickAccessControls* pQuickAccessControls = pRibbonBar->GetQuickAccessControls())
                int nCount = pQuickAccessControls->GetCount();
                TRACE("Count: %d\n", nCount);
                for (int n = 0; n < nCount; ++n)
                    if (CXTPControl* pControl = pQuickAccessControls->GetAt(n))
                        int nID = pControl->GetID();
                        long nIndex = pControl->GetIndex();
                        CString strName = pControl->GetCaption();
                        TRACE("%d: %#010x  %5d  %4d  %s\n", n, pControl, nID, nIndex, (LPCSTR)strName);
Before the call to AddClone, I had this:
Count: 6
0: 0x0a2b9548  57600     1  &New
1: 0x0a2b9820  57601     2  &Open
2: 0x0a0c4630  57603     3  &Save
3: 0x0a2b9270  57607     4  &Print
4: 0x1f01c6b8  40002     5  Send To Mail Recipient
5: 0x1f334bf8  40003     6  Send To Routing Recipient
After that call, I had what I expected in terms of overall order, although the index column seems odd:
Count: 7
0: 0x0a2b9548  57600     1  &New
1: 0x0a2b9820  57601     2  &Open
2: 0x0a0c4630  57603     3  &Save
3: 0x0a2b9270  57607     4  &Print
4: 0x1f334da0  40003     7  Send To Routing Recipient
5: 0x1f01c6b8  40002     5  Send To Mail Recipient
6: 0x1f334bf8  40003     6  Send To Routing Recipient
After the call to Remove, I got this:

Count: 6
0: 0x0a2b9548  57600     1  &New
1: 0x0a2b9820  57601     2  &Open
2: 0x0a0c4630  57603     3  &Save
3: 0x0a2b9270  57607     4  &Print
4: 0x1f334da0  40003     6  Send To Routing Recipient
5: 0x1f01c6b8  40002     5  Send To Mail Recipient
The part that throws me is the index, which I believe is contributing to me not seeing the results I expect.  Notice that "Send to Routing Recipient" has an index of 6, when I would expect it to have 5 and "Send to Mail Recipient" to have 6.  I stepped all the way through Remove into CXTPControls::RefreshIndexes and saw the indices recomputed sequentially, but I'm not positive that the correct thing is getting recomputed.  There are controls visited in that loop that I didn't expect to see (eg CXTPRibbonScrollableBar::CControlGroupsScroll, CXTPRibbonBarControlQuickAccessPopup).
Can someone enlighten me?  I went into this thinking it shouldn't be too difficult.


Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 04 March 2008 at 5:16am
Yes, right :( problem in our sources that assumes that Quick Acccess controls always added in the end of list.
Here fix for source:
int CXTPRibbonQuickAccessControls::IndexOf(CXTPControl* pControl) const
 for (int nIndex = GetCount() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
  if (GetAt(nIndex) == pControl)
   return nIndex;
 return -1;
void CXTPRibbonQuickAccessControls::OnControlAdded(CXTPControl* pControl)
 int nIndex = IndexOf(pControl) + (((CXTPRibbonBar*)m_pParent)->GetSystemButton() ? 1 : 0);
 m_pParent->GetControls()->InsertAt(pControl, nIndex);
Here your method to move:
void CXTPRibbonCustomizeQuickAccessPage::OnButtonReset()
 int nSel = m_lstQuickAccess.GetCurSel();
    if (nSel < 1)
    CXTPControl* pControl = (CXTPControl*)m_lstQuickAccess.GetItemDataPtr(nSel);
    if (!pControl)
    CXTPRibbonQuickAccessControls* pQuickAccessControls = GetRibbonBar()->GetQuickAccessControls();
    if (!pQuickAccessControls)
 int nIndex = pQuickAccessControls->IndexOf(pControl);
    pQuickAccessControls->AddClone(pControl, nIndex - 1);

Oleg, Support Team

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