I try to implement AddRecordEx() to add record on the fly without calling Populate(). But my app crashes in AddRecordEx().
The code looks like this:
CXTPReportRecord* pRecord=new CMyRecord(...);
AddRecordEx(pRecord); <-- this crashes (invalid index on InsertAt())
Here's the call stack:
ntdll.dll!7c911230() msvcr71d.dll!_CrtDbgBreak() Zeile 93 C msvcr71d.dll!_CrtDbgReport(int nRptType=2, const char * szFile=0x01a44038, int nLine=549, const char * szModule=0x00000000, const char * szFormat=0x00000000, ...) Zeile 427 C mfc71d.dll!AfxAssertFailedLine(const char * lpszFileName=0x01a44038, int nLine=549) Zeile 28 + 0x14 C++ ToolkitPro1122vc71D.dll!CArray<CXTPReportRow *,CXTPReportRow *>::InsertAt(int nIndex=-1, CXTPReportRow * newElement=0x060e51a8, int nCount=1) Zeile 549 + 0x15 C++ ToolkitPro1122vc71D.dll!CXTPReportRows::InsertAt(int nIndex=-1, CXTPReportRow * pRow=0x060e51a8) Zeile 133 C++ ToolkitPro1122vc71D.dll!CXTPReportControl::InsertRow(int nIndex=-1, CXTPReportRow * pRow=0x060e51a8) Zeile 882 + 0x21 C++ > ToolkitPro1122vc71D.dll!CXTPReportControl::AddRecordEx(CXTPReportRecord * pRecord=0x060e4988, CXTPReportRecord * pParentRecord=0x00000000, int nChildIndex=-1) Zeile 1517 + 0x4c C++ XRVisualizer.exe!CStateReportCtrl::AppendRecordEx(double rtFrom=1198247099.0100000, double rtTo=-1.7976931348623157e+308, double rtOnlineTimestamp=1198247176.1480000, const char * lpEvtCatLbl=0x04bfdf00, long rtResID=1, long lPriority=1079, const char * lpMsg=0x04bfbbb0, const char * lpszOrderNumber=0x04bfdf34, const char * lpszProduct=0x04bfdf50, const char * lpszEmployee=0x04bfdf6c, unsigned long clrFore=16777215, unsigned long clrBack=51200, bool bSucceedingError=false, bool bDelimiter=false) Zeile 277 + 0x18 C++
Rest skipped...
I tried in vain to find any samples showing the AddRecordEx()/RemoveRecordEx() in Codejock samples folder, so any help is very welcome!
The toolkit version I use is 11.2.2.
------------- Martin
Product: Xtreme Toolkit v 22.1.0, new Projects v 24.0.0 Platform: Windows 10 v 22H2 (64bit) Language: VC++ 2022