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MSAA support?

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
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Topic: MSAA support?
Posted By: rconn
Subject: MSAA support?
Date Posted: 21 December 2007 at 12:21am
Using 11.2.2:
One of my visually impaired users is having a problem with one of my new apps:
"I see that you aren't using #32768 standard Windows menus anymore.  Our product expects to see a menustart event before the focus to the first menu item when you press the alt key and a menuend event when the menu is removed.  Are you familiar with MSAA (if not I'm sure you can find out info on MSDN)?  Is this menuing system something you created or is it a toolkit you are using?  If the later do you have the ability to get them to fire the events?"
Does the commandbar menu not support MSAA?  If not, I'll either need to switch back to a conventional menu (I have a lot of visually impaired users) or modify the commandbar source.  (Can you give me a quick pointer on where in the code to start?)
Thanks for your help.
Rex Conn
JP Software

Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 21 December 2007 at 1:00am
Yes, CommandBars support MSAA and its events.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: rconn
Date Posted: 21 December 2007 at 2:11pm
Apparently your MSAA support isn't working quite the way that screen readers expect.
Here's what I got from one  of my beta testers, who is a developer at GW Micro ( -- they produce screen reader software).
Here is with the accevent testing tool.  I included an event capture of Notepad verses TC.  Notice that Notepad issues SYS_MENUSTART and SYS_MENUEND events and TC doesn't.  These are important to us.  Also I believe the focus in TC should come after the SYS_MENUPOPUPSTART like it does in Notepad.
In addition to my app, I also tried this with a couple of your sample apps and they do not make the "SYS_MENUSTART" and "SYS_MENUEND" calls.  (They do make the "SYS_MENUPOPUPSTART" and "SYS_MENUPOPUPEND" calls.)
Where in the CommandBars menu code are you making the MSAA calls?  (I tried searching the source code but couldn't find anything.)
I can send you the accevent tool if you need it for testing.
Thanks for your help.
Rex Conn
JP Software

Posted By: rconn
Date Posted: 27 December 2007 at 10:13am
Hi Oleg:
If it would help, one of the developers at GW-Micro has offered to talk to your developers directly about what needs to be done to get CommandBars to work correctly with screen readers.
Let me know if you need the contact information.
Rex Conn
JP Software

Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 28 December 2007 at 5:39am
yes, SYS_MENUSTART" and "SYS_MENUEND" didn't supported. Downloading GW Micro to test.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: rconn
Date Posted: 28 December 2007 at 2:35pm
Hi Oleg:
If you have questions about implementation details with the MSAA screen readers, you can contact Michael Lawler at GWMicro (he's also one of my beta testers): -
I've made a (hopefully temporary) change in my code to allow users to optionally select a standard Windows menu if they're having problems with their screen reader.  Let me know when you have a fix.
Thanks again!
Rex Conn
JP Software

Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 02 January 2008 at 3:43am
I installed this tool.... Actually it works for me quite well. What exactly doesn't work for you? it reads menu items, toolbar items etc.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: salfon
Date Posted: 04 June 2009 at 11:42am
I'm handling accessibility support right now in our product. I see this same issue with CommandBars. We're using v.13.0.0. The menu gets focus - and CXTPCommandBar WILL call NotifyWinEvent for focus change onto menu - but no SYS_MENUSTART or SYS_MENUEND. So a screen reader doesn't know to 'announce' that the user is now in a menu.
(to reproduce, in app with CommandBars, I hit ALT. now i'm in the main menu, but i don't realize it - screen reader doesn't say so. hit alt again - no feedback that i'm out of the menu. the name of the menu item is read sometimes, like a UI item that got focus, but it's not really helpful)

Is there any plans to fix this? right now i'm trying to send the notify myself, by overriding the SetTrackingMode in a menu class derived
from CXTPMenuBar, like so:

   //override to ensure proper SYS_MENUSTART and END are sent
    virtual BOOL SetTrackingMode(int bMode, BOOL bSelectFirst = TRUE, BOOL bKeyboard = FALSE)
        TRACE("Tracking in beeclustermenu\n");
        BOOL res = TRUE;
        bool sendEnd = false;
        //if it's being selected, but was not previously,
        //the base sends the focus, but no menustart. so send that         
        if ((bMode && !m_bTracking))
            AccessibleNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART , m_hWnd, OBJID_MENU, 0);
            m_started = true;
        else if ((m_bTracking && !bMode)
                  && m_started)
            //if it's losing selection, send menuend AFTER base call.
            sendEnd = true;                  
            m_started = false;

        res =__super::SetTrackingMode(bMode, bSelectFirst , bKeyboard );
        if (sendEnd)
             AccessibleNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND , m_hWnd, OBJID_MENU, 0);

        return res;

the messages are sent fine, according to the AccEvent32.exe from Microsoft, and the screenreader i'm testing (mostly JAWS, but also GW Micro WindowsEyes on occasion) are able to give the menu information like expected.

Another problem I've noticed is if i have the dropdown menu open and focused, and click right-arrow in keyboard to navigate to the next menu, so that its menu is also dropped down and focused, the screen reader sometimes misses this - only reading name of menu-bar item. After
looking at events sent, I think it's a problem of the EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS sent for the menu-bar being sent after the EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS and MENUPOPUPSTART for the submenu. I tried out a change in BOOL CXTPCommandBar::SetSelected(int nSelected, BOOL bKeyboard)
to send the FOCUS event before continuing selection, like so (swapped order of these 2 lines):

  if (IsTrackingMode()) AccessibleNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS , m_hWnd, OBJID_MENU, m_nSelected + 1);
  pSelected->OnSetSelected(bKeyboard ? max(TRUE_KEYBOARD_NEXT, bKeyboard) : TRUE);       

  Testing with this shows EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS for parent menu bar item is sent before the submenu, and the screen readers are now able to identify that the popup is open and has focus, properly.  But i haven't tested other possible side-effects of this change.
  I'm not sure these are the best ways to correct the events being sent, so any feedback from you guys would be great.
  Thank you,
  Sabrina Alfonso
  Xtreme Toolkit Pro 13.0.0
  Windows XP
  MFC/Visual C++ 

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