Calendar header
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Topic: Calendar header
Posted By: scbdpm
Subject: Calendar header
Date Posted: 06 January 2007 at 4:50pm
I have several resources in my calendar.
The banner/header (not sure if this is the 'official' name) at the top of the day's schedule only reads the day of the week and not day/date etc.
How can I change this?
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 09 January 2007 at 1:43pm
It depends on the width of the window. If there is enough space to display long day header, it displays it. Otherwise, it tries to work with Middle day header format, then Short, and the Shortest at last.
In any case you can set custom format strings for day header date formats. See CalendarDayView properties DayHeaderFormatLong DayHeaderFormatMiddle DayHeaderFormatShort DayHeaderFormatShortest As I understand you use office 2003 theme ?
CalendarControl.DayView.DayHeaderFormatLong = "'(1)' ddd, dd MMMM yyyy" CalendarControl.DayView.DayHeaderFormatMiddle = "'(2)' ddd, dd MMM yy" CalendarControl.DayView.DayHeaderFormatShort = "'(3)' dd MMM " CalendarControl.DayView.DayHeaderFormatShortest = "'(4)' d.MM" CalendarControl.Populate
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 09 January 2007 at 9:13pm
I am acutally using 2007 theme and I can't seem to get above code to work.
I am viewing as a dayView (one single day) so I don't think space is an issue. I have a screen shot available. ....
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 10 January 2007 at 4:37am
Ok, you can try another way: See GetItemText notification. Set : CalendarControl.AskItemTextFlags = xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeader See enum XTPCalendarGetItemText
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 11 January 2007 at 8:51pm
not having much success.... can you provide a bit more info..
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 12 January 2007 at 8:09am
Take a look at our VB sample, frmMain: CalendarControl_GetItemText event handler. Also uncomment string CalendarControl.AskItemTextFlags = -1 in Form_Load method. Then you'll see.
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 12 January 2007 at 5:42pm
It appears to not be working in 2007 Theme.... I am still just getting the Day of the week.
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 14 January 2007 at 10:24am
Show me the code you're using in CalendarControl_GetItemText event handler.
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 14 January 2007 at 1:29pm
Straight from your sample:
Private Sub CalendarControl_GetItemText(ByVal Params As XtremeCalendarControl.CalendarGetItemTextParams) If Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_EventSubject Then Params.Text = "*Custom subject* " & Params.Text ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_EventLocation Then Params.Text = "ScheduleID = " & Params.ViewEvent.Event.ScheduleID ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_EventBody Then Params.Text = "custom BODY text." ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeader Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeader Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeader _ Then Params.Text = "Date:" & Params.ViewDay.Date ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderLeft Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderLeft Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderLeft _ Then 'Params.Text = Day(Params.ViewDay.Date) Params.Text = Day(Params.ViewDay.Date) ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderCenter Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderCenter Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderCenter _ Then Params.Text = WeekdayName(Weekday(Params.ViewDay.Date), , vbSunday) ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderRight Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderRight Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderRight _ Then Params.Text = Year(Params.ViewDay.Date) ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewWeekDayHeader Then Params.Text = Params.Text & " - " & Params.Weekday ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_EventToolTipText Then Params.Text = "(" & Params.ViewEvent.Event.Location & ") " & _ Params.ViewEvent.Event.Subject & _ " [" & Params.ViewEvent.Event.Id & "]" End If End Sub
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 14 January 2007 at 2:32pm
So, it works as designed
If you want to see another header, customize this code as you wish.
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 14 January 2007 at 3:36pm
I actually didn't alter that code at all, it came straight 'out of the box'
Can you tell me then, does this feature work on the 2007 theme?
If so, then I am missing something and don't need to create custom code...
the header I am talking about is here: at the top of the calendarcontrol:
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 14 January 2007 at 5:15pm
Yes, thIs feature works fine for Office 2007 theme. Will try to help you... You have to understand the code in GetItemText handler. Please read it once more and remove lines which you don't need. Look at these lines:
ElseIf Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderCenter Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderCenter Or _ Params.Item = xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderCenter _ Then Params.Text = WeekdayName(Weekday(Params.ViewDay.Date), , vbSunday)
You receive Week day name because WeekdayName() returns it
Params.Text = WeekdayName(Weekday(Params.ViewDay.Date), , vbSunday)
Just set
Params.Text = "Bla-Bla-Bla..."
Well, instead this of course write what you need ps: Use following flags for Office 2007 theme: xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderLeft xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderCenter xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderRight When your code start working, set only flags which are actually used to AskItemTextFlags for optimization (instead of -1, which is useful for debug). Example:
CalendarControl.AskItemTextFlags.SetFlag xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderLeft CalendarControl.AskItemTextFlags.SetFlag xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderCenter
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 17 January 2007 at 8:59am
Got it! Thanks for your patience!!
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 17 January 2007 at 9:01am
Actually one last quick question....
is there a way to change the font/font size of this header?
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 17 January 2007 at 3:59pm
scbdpm wrote:
Actually one last quick question....
is there a way to change the font/font size of this header? |
For Office2007 theme look at the similar event handler BeforeDrawThemeObject and the message xtpCalendarBeforeDraw_DayViewDay.
Take a look at our regular sample for more details.
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 18 January 2007 at 7:01pm
would it be a line like this:
pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Normal.Font.Bold = True pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Normal.Font.SIZE = 12
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 19 January 2007 at 2:52pm
yes, you're correct.
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 19 January 2007 at 3:45pm
I am referencing the screen shot I pasted above.
So those lines of code do not seem to change the font/font size of the day of the week (Sunday which is currently showing) but rather is changing the size/font of the schedule headers (i.e. ARI, MEH, etc) that are at the bottom of that screen shot fragment......
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 19 January 2007 at 4:29pm
For this caption you should reference the following piece of code in the sample:
ElseIf eObjType = xtpCalendarBeforeDraw_DayViewDay Then pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.BaseColor = 20000 + 100 * Weekday(Params.Date) pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TodayBaseColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
-- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 19 January 2007 at 4:43pm
that's not helpful at all, that is just the code from your sample and doesn't change font or font size, just the color of the header...
please re-read my post!!!
Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 19 January 2007 at 6:03pm
Note that it's different for Normal days, Selected days, etc, and it should be set separately. The following piece of code works just fine:
pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Normal.Font.Bold = True pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Normal.Font.SIZE = 12 pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Selected.Font.Bold = True pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Selected.Font.SIZE = 12 pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Today.Font.Bold = True pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Today.Font.SIZE = 12 pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.TodaySelected.Font.Bold = True pTheme2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.TodaySelected.Font.SIZE = 12
Also to adjust header height somewhere after you set theme Office 2007 change height like
objThemeOfice2007.DayView.Day.Header.HeightFormula.Constant = objThemeOfice2007.DayView.Day.Header.HeightFormula.Constant + 7
| do not set this in BeforeDrawThemeObject because this setting applyed on Populate call.
Also if you do not need dynamically chahge your font by some condition use static customization, like for height:
objThemeOfice2007.DayView.Day.Header.TextCenter.Normal.Font.SIZE = 12 ...... objThemeOfice2007.RefreshMetrics
Also to understand theme customization look our VB Sample, menu Calendar -> Customize office 2007 Theme -- WBR, Serge
Posted By: scbdpm
Date Posted: 19 January 2007 at 6:15pm
this is perfect! thank you!