I am trying to use the custom icons in 10.3.1.
I have just upgraded from 10.2. I have been using the calendar with 3 or 4 schedules and it has been working fine.
I uninstalled the 10.2 calendar control and installed the 10.3.1.
I have the 10.3.1 calendar on a form with the DatePicker calendar on the side with the AttachToCalendar method to connect the two.
I am using the 2007 theme. I have the icons in a 9.8 version of the ImageManager.
Dim customOffice2007 As New CalendarThemeOffice2007
Me.calCalendar.SetTheme customOffice2007 customOffice2007.BaseColor = &HE6998E Set customOffice2007.CustomIcons = CustomIconImage.Icons
I am using the following code to add the custom icons.
Set CalEvent = frmAppointmentCalendar.calCalendar.DataProvider.GetEvent(.Fields("EventID")) If CalEvent Is Nothing Then Else If bNoConfirmation Then CalEvent.CustomIcons.AddIfNeed 102 ElseIf bSecondConfirmation Then CalEvent.CustomIcons.AddIfNeed 101 ElseIf bFirstConfirmation Then CalEvent.CustomIcons.AddIfNeed 100 End If If bPreSchedule Then CalEvent.CustomIcons.AddIfNeed 103 frmAppointmentCalendar.calCalendar.DataProvider.ChangeEvent CalEvent
The CustomIcon shows in the CustomProperties as <CustomProperty Name="*xtp*customicons" Value="103" VariantType="8"/> for the appropriate event.
I have built the icons I need in the 16 x 11 format. When the icons show in the appointment, they look great. When the icons show they do exactly as advertised.
The problem I am having is that the vb6 ide crashes when I select a date from the datepicker inconsistently. Some times the calendar will load with the appropriate icons, Most of the time the vb6 ide crashes.
The crash happens when I select a date from the datepicker calendar. I can move around in the datepricker calendar with no problem.
When I compile the vb6 program and run the exe, the calendar doesn' t crash the system. NO icons show in the appointments. absolutely none.
I am sure that I am looking at the same db that showed the icons in the vb6 ide.
Sorry to have so much in the post, but I wanted to cover everything.
thanking you in advance for any help you may be able to give me.