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Localization with two CodeJock libraries in use?

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
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Topic: Localization with two CodeJock libraries in use?
Posted By: Sstar9
Subject: Localization with two CodeJock libraries in use?
Date Posted: 09 November 2006 at 5:11am
In my application, I used both XTControls library and XTCommandBars library. Therefore, when I want to localize my English application to German, I have to 2 German CodeJock's Resource DLLs, one for the XTCommandBars library and one for the  XTControls library.  
However, I found it not possible set both Resouce DLLs at the same time.  I have tried the following code set the German resource DLL 
BOOL MyApp::InitInstance()
      //Set XTCommandBar Library
      XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceFile(  _T(strLibPath+"CommandBars.ResourceDe.dll") );
      //Set XTControls Library
       XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceFile(  _T(strLibPath+"Controls.ResourceDe.dll") );     
int MyApp::ExitInstance()

    return CWinApp::ExitInstance();
, and I found the above code does not work. the CodeJock strings for CXTColorDialog and CXTColorPicker objects remain as English.  The tooltips for CXTPControlColorSelector object (in a drop-down color menu)  is gone. It seems I can only set the Resource DLL for XTCommandBars library, i.e. I should remove the following line of code
     //Set XTControls Library
       XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceFile(  _T(strLibPath+"Controls.ResourceDe.dll") );.
But I need all the objects instantiated from CodeJock library to be localized to another language.  Does anybody here know  what should be done with both Xtreme resource DLLS?
It's urgent for me, please help if you know.  My email address is -  

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Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 09 November 2006 at 7:41am
hmm. I see two sultions.
1. Use static linked library and put german resource to your rc2 file.
2. Manually Combine Xtrme Control + Xtreme Suite.\
need to copy files from Source folder of Xtreme Controls to Xtreme COmmandBar and add them to solution.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: Sstar9
Date Posted: 09 November 2006 at 8:32am

Oleg, Thank you for your reply.

For the 2nd suggestion, could you elaborate a bit more?  I can find the localized resource files named Resource_de.rc under the following two directories
...\Codejock Software\MFC\Xtreme Controls 2006 Q3\Source\Controls\res
...\Codejock Software\MFC\Xtreme CommandBars 2006 Q3\Source\CommandBars\res
What should be proper steps to combine the 2 German resources and make them work for my solution?

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Posted By: Sstar9
Date Posted: 11 December 2006 at 11:59pm
Originally posted by oleg oleg wrote:

hmm. I see two sultions.
1. Use static linked library and put german resource to your rc2 file.
2. Manually Combine Xtrme Control + Xtreme Suite.\
need to copy files from Source folder of Xtreme Controls to Xtreme COmmandBar and add them to solution.
Hi, Oleg,
Can give you a few steps on how to combine the Resources dll from our CommandBars Library with our Controls Library?

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