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Pane Action debacles

Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Docking Pane
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Docking Pane
Printed Date: 02 March 2025 at 1:02am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Pane Action debacles
Posted By: JSram
Subject: Pane Action debacles
Date Posted: 31 October 2006 at 7:17pm

first of all, it seem like PaneActionExpanded never fire. Then when the mouse hover over tabs in a group of hidden panes it expands the frame with panes and the pane related to the tab displays, fine. But/However, the PaneActionActivated event doesn't fire unless the tab is clicked. This would (possibly) be ok if it at least fires when you click inside the pane - but it doesn't .

So as the pane expands fully, without clicking the tab and makes it "appear" to be active one can fully expect the user wont click the tab but move right into the controls on the pane - without a (proper) way to detect it as ActivePane in this case is set to Nothing. Ok I can set flags with each and every control, but I don't want my code cluttered with such things.

The main problem with this is that's if I want to take some action e.g. refresh some content before the user gets started with something, I can't do this in a sure and consitent way.

I don't know if this is a bug or what, but it would sure help if PaneActionActivated fired when the mouse hover the tab as it display the pane content and at least makes it "appear" to be active.


Posted By: JSram
Date Posted: 31 October 2006 at 7:44pm
Hmm, it appers like PaneActionExpanding actually is PaneActionExpanded which was missleading me, as to me any -ing word describes something that is going on continuosly and hasn't completed yet. 

Ok this at least make sit possible for me to trap it, but as it works now it's realy the TabFrame that becomes activated and not the pane it self when clicking the tab as the already is set then. A bit confusing I must say.


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