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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Calendar
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Calendar
Printed Date: 01 July 2024 at 6:09am
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Topic: ChangeEvent
Posted By: tomgriff
Subject: ChangeEvent
Date Posted: 01 September 2006 at 2:49am
I need to update a customProperty in an event if a user drags an event on the calendar. 
This fires the EventChange,  after I update the CustomProperty with the new data, I do the DataProvider.ChangeEvent pEvent method. 

If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Re-Schedule this Appointment?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel) = vbYes Then
  Dim pEvent As CalendarEvent
  Set pEvent = calCalendar.DataProvider.GetEvent(EventID)
  Dim sSql As String
  Dim rsUpdate As New adodb.Recordset
  Dim retvar
  Dim iApptID As Integer
  Dim lngClientID As Long
  ' pEvent Is Nothing for recurrence Ocurrence and Exception.
  ' See CalendarControl_PatternChanged for recurrence events changes.
  If Not pEvent Is Nothing Then
    iApptID = Val(NZ(pEvent.CustomProperties("apptid"), 0))
    lngClientID = Val(NZ(pEvent.CustomProperties("clientid"), 0))
    retvar = goADO.ExecuteSQL("UPDATE tblDataClientApptDate SET Reschedule = True Where ApptID = " & iApptID)
    ' Now I need to build a new tblDataClientApptDate item for the rescheduled appointment.
    ' I need the new ApptID for the new Item, and I need to put the new apptID into the Customer Property of the event.
    iApptID = NZ(CLng(NZ(VLookup("Max([ApptID]) AS NextID", GetDBName(), "tblDataClientApptDate"), 0)) + 1)
    pEvent.CustomProperties("ApptID") = iApptID
    calCalendar.DataProvider.ChangeEvent pEvent
This puts me into a loop. 
Am I doing this at the wrong place or is there an excepted way to get out of the loop.

Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 01 September 2006 at 4:04pm

Actually this is quite often case - when from some event handler you call method which fires this event again and you get a loop and stack overflow.
The idea to avoid this is to have a global semaphore of running this method, as following:

Dim g_bChangeEventRunning as Boolean
sub Form_Load()
    g_bChangeEventRunning = False
end sub
sub wndCalendar_EventChanged(......)
    OnErrOr GoTo mExit:
    if g_bChangeEventRunning then
        Exit sub
    end if
    g_bChangeEventRunning = True
    ' place your code here

    g_bChangeEventRunning = False 'ensure that you reset this to false before exit this sub
end sub


Posted By: tomgriff
Date Posted: 10 September 2006 at 5:09pm
Thanks for the reply. I will give this a try.

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