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Toolbar buttons with multiline captions

Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
Printed Date: 04 March 2025 at 11:13am
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Topic: Toolbar buttons with multiline captions
Posted By: akur
Subject: Toolbar buttons with multiline captions
Date Posted: 24 August 2006 at 4:50am

is there any way to have multiline text captions shown in a toolbar?

I have a toolbar with both icons and texts displayed (text below icon), but the long, single-line texts make the toolbar buttons differently sized, which is really not a nice visual experience. How to make these buttons equally sized (with their texts displayed under the button)?

Thanks a lot, in advance!

Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 24 August 2006 at 8:57am
try xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow style. See new Samples\CommandBars\GallerySample sample.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: akur
Date Posted: 24 August 2006 at 10:31am
Yes, it's much better now, thanks!

So an information for others who may be interested: it means that calling
for the whole toolbar is _not_ the same as calling
for each button in that toolbar.

Toolbar captions are in two rows at most with this approach. I guess there won't be any more lines even if caption will be very-very long, so developers shall e.g. cut the caption with an ellipsis if they need to.

Posted By: akur
Date Posted: 28 August 2006 at 7:22am

one additional question about the xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow style:
is there any way to make all the toolbar buttons use the same width? Because when I set the above style for my buttons, each button is exactly as wide as it needs to be according to its caption text length. However, my toolbar has several rows of buttons, so the buttons are not lined up below each other correctly (because each of them has a different width) which can be a problem for the clients.
Can I make them all the same width somehow if I use the above button style?

Thanks a lot!

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