I recently started using the skins in visual basic 6.0. I basically used the code from the example to try to use it. I am also using the commandbar control to create the menu and the toolbar.
I added the skin code after the creation of the menu and toolbar. However, when I load the form it starts up, then a second into it the border at the top disappears. I stepped thru the code and it looked like the commandbar resize is readjusting the file menu and toolbar to cover the top border, but I took out the code and it still did it.
below is my code. Should I do something different since I am using the command bar with the skin? It is hard to know what to do without a tutorial or manual.
Thank you for the help.
Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
CommandBarsGlobalSettings.App = App
Dim Control As CommandBarControl Dim ControlFile As CommandBarPopup Dim ControlView As CommandBarPopup Dim ControlHelp As CommandBarPopup Dim ControlAbout As CommandBarPopup
Dim ToolBar As CommandBar
Dim StatusBar As StatusBar
Set ControlFile = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.CONTROLS.Add(xtpControlPopup, 0, "&File") With ControlFile.CommandBar.CONTROLS .Add xtpControlButton, ID_PROGRAM_CLOSE, "Close Program" End With Set ControlView = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.CONTROLS.Add(xtpControlPopup, 0, "&View") With ControlView.CommandBar.CONTROLS .Add xtpControlButton, ID_VIEW_TOD, "View Tip of the Day" End With Set ControlHelp = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.CONTROLS.Add(xtpControlPopup, 0, "&Help") With ControlHelp.CommandBar.CONTROLS .Add xtpControlButton, ID_GET_LIVE_HELP, "Get Live Help" End With Set ControlAbout = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.CONTROLS.Add(xtpControlPopup, 0, "&About") With ControlAbout.CommandBar.CONTROLS .Add xtpControlButton, ID_ABOUT_PEP2006, "About PEP 2006" End With ' START TOOL BAR CODE Set ToolBar = CommandBars.Add("Report Bar", xtpBarTop) ADDBUTTON ToolBar.CONTROLS, xtpControlButton, ID_COVER_SCREEN, "View Start Screen", True, "View Start Screen" ADDBUTTON ToolBar.CONTROLS, xtpControlButton, ID_OBSV_REPORT, "Teacher Observation Report", True, "Go to Teacher Observation Report" ADDBUTTON ToolBar.CONTROLS, xtpControlButton, ID_TPAI_REPORT, "Teacher Performance Appraisal Report", True, "Go to Teacher Performance Appraisal Report" ADDBUTTON ToolBar.CONTROLS, xtpControlButton, ID_SNAP_REPORT, "SnapShot Report", True, "Go to SnapShot Report" ADDBUTTON ToolBar.CONTROLS, xtpControlButton, ID_PREOBSV_REPORT, "Pre-Observation Report", True, "Got to Pre-Observation Report" ToolBar.EnableDocking xtpFlagHideWrap CommandBars.VisualTheme = xtpThemeWhidbey CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.ModifyStyle XTP_CBRS_GRIPPER, 0 CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.EnableDocking xtpFlagStretched CommandBars.EnableCustomization False ' SET ICONS Set CommandBars.Icons = frmMain.ImageManager.Icons CommandBars.Options.UseDisabledIcons = True UseDisabledIcons = True CommandBars.Options.SetIconSize False, 16, 16
Set StatusBar = CommandBars.StatusBar StatusBar.Visible = True StatusBar.AddPane 0 StatusBar.AddPane ID_INDICATOR_CAPS StatusBar.AddPane ID_INDICATOR_NUM StatusBar.AddPane ID_INDICATOR_SCRL frmMain.TabControl.CurrTab = 0 ' START SKIN CODE frmMain.SkinFramework.LoadSkin App.Path & "\WinXP.Royale.cjstyles", "NormalRoyale.ini" <TRIED BOTH WITH AND WITHOUT INI REFERENCE frmMain.SkinFramework.ApplyWindow frmMain.hWnd frmMain.SkinFramework.ApplyOptions = frmMain.SkinFramework.ApplyOptions Or xtpSkinApplyMetrics
Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ErrorAlert.ErrorAlert Err.Number, Err.Description, "frmMain.Form_Load" End Sub