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Runtime Error R6025 and some other things

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Topic: Runtime Error R6025 and some other things
Posted By: jroenn
Subject: Runtime Error R6025 and some other things
Date Posted: 28 April 2006 at 6:05am
Hi everybody,

this happens when you switch between different events only in the monthview.
The exact message is:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
- Pure Virtual function call

It does not happen on my computer but on a testmachine.

A couple of other topics:
When I use the Office 2007 Theme (it looks really cool), there is no start time in the subject nor the icon for meetings.

When I use the old theme, the printout in monthview is a bit unreadable, there is no frame around the multi-days-events so it is very hard to read it correctly.

I have a datepicker that shows 2 month and I put events for 4 month into the calendar, let's say from Jan-Apr. and start the calendar showing April.
When I use the daypicker, to go into January the days containing events within the datepicker are not bold and when I click onto one day that certainly has events, it won't show them.
When I change the month programmatically it will work as expected.

Thanks in advance

Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 28 April 2006 at 4:09pm

Trying to reproduce the R6025 problem. Is there any specific Control's configuration in your application which could cause this error?


Posted By: jroenn
Date Posted: 01 May 2006 at 5:28am
Hi Serge,
what exactly do you mean?
The events are filled by code - similar to your calendar example. Nothing special so far. Strange, that it only happens in the monthview.

Best regards

Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 01 May 2006 at 6:13am
Never seen this problem...
Some questions to clarify: what environment do you use to build the app? What environment is on test machine? Do you set any specific combination of settings in Calendar.Options? Could you please just share with me a sample or a piece of code which fills events?

Thanks in advance,

Posted By: jroenn
Date Posted: 01 May 2006 at 6:52am
I use VB6 with SP6 on WinXP with SP2, the calendar control is 10.1.1.
No specific calendar options.

The code snippet:

Private Sub FillKal(ByRef rstKal As Recordset, Optional fFilterID As Boolean = False, _
        Optional sSubjectPrefix As String = "")
    On Error GoTo errHandler
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim vStart As Variant
    Dim vEnde As Variant
    Dim vWV As Variant
    Dim sSubject As String
    Dim evt As CalendarEvent
    Dim dDate As Date
    Dim iDiff As Integer
    Dim iAdd As Integer
    Dim sDescr As String
    Dim dtStartTime As Date
    Dim dtEndTime As Date
    Dim lID As Long
    Dim lThemaID As Long
    Dim sName As String
    Dim lIDName As Long
    Dim sHerkunft As String
    With rstKal
        lCount = .RecordCount
        For lRow = 0 To lCount - 1
             If m_listType = ltPendenz Then
                 vStart = rstKal.Fields("TERMIN_START").Value
                 vEnde = rstKal.Fields("wann_datum").Value
                 sHerkunft = "EditPendenz"
                 vStart = rstKal.Fields("termin_start").Value
                 vEnde = rstKal.Fields("endtermin").Value
                 sHerkunft = "EditThema"
             End If
             vWV = rstKal.Fields("WIEDERVORLAGE").Value
             If Not IsNull(vStart) Then
                 vStart = Format(vStart, "Short Date")
                 If IsNull(vEnde) Then
                     vEnde = vStart
                 End If
                 If m_listType = ltPendenz Then
                     sSubject = rstKal.Fields("pendenz").Value
                     sDescr = sNullToBlank(rstKal.Fields("was").Value)
                     lID = rstKal.Fields("id_pendenz").Value
                     lThemaID = rstKal.Fields("id_massnahme").Value
                     sSubject = rstKal.Fields("bezeichnung").Value
                     sDescr = sNullToBlank(rstKal.Fields("beschreibung").Value)
                     lID = rstKal.Fields("id_massnahme").Value
                     lThemaID = lID
                 End If
                 dtStartTime = IIf(IsNull(rstKal.Fields("STARTTIME").Value), #8:00:00 AM#, Format(rstKal.Fields("STARTTIME").Value, "h:m"))
                 dtEndTime = IIf(IsNull(rstKal.Fields("ENDTIME").Value), #6:00:00 PM#, Format(rstKal.Fields("ENDTIME").Value, "h:m"))
                 sName = rstKal.Fields("name").Value & ", " & rstKal.Fields("vorname").Value
                 lIDName = rstKal.Fields("id_mitarbeiter").Value
                 If Not fFilterID Then
                     AddToFG sName, lIDName
                 End If
                 If Me.atbCal.Tools("ID_ShowName").State = ssChecked And sSubjectPrefix = "" Then
                     sSubject = sName & ": " & sSubject
                 ElseIf sSubjectPrefix <> "" Then
                     sSubject = sSubjectPrefix & ": " & sSubject
                 End If
                 Set evt = Me.cccCalendar.DataProvider.CreateEvent
                 With evt
                     .Subject = sSubject
                     .AllDayEvent = lNullToZero(rstKal.Fields("ALLDAYEVENT").Value, CInt(False))
                     .BusyStatus = lNullToZero(rstKal.Fields("BUSYSTATUS").Value, xtpCalendarBusyStatusBusy)
                     .StartTime = CDate(vStart) + dtStartTime
                     .EndTime = CDate(vEnde) + dtEndTime
                     .Body = sDescr
                     .Importance = xtpCalendarImportanceHigh
                     .Label = lNullToZero(rstKal.Fields("EVENTLABEL").Value, 0)
                     .Location = sNullToBlank(rstKal.Fields("LOCATION").Value)
                     .BusyStatus = lNullToZero(rstKal.Fields("BUSYSTATUS").Value, 2)
                     .MeetingFlag = lNullToZero(rstKal.Fields("MEETINGFLAG").Value, 0)
                     '.RecurrenceState = lNullToZero(rstKal.Fields("RECURRENCESTATE").Value, 0)
                     .CustomProperties("id") = lID
                     .CustomProperties("typ") = m_listType
                     .CustomProperties("themaid") = lThemaID
                     .CustomProperties("name") = sName
                     .CustomProperties("nameid") = lIDName
                     .CustomProperties("subjectprefix") = sSubjectPrefix
                     .CustomProperties("herkunft") = sHerkunft
                 End With
                 Me.cccCalendar.DataProvider.AddEvent evt
             End If
    End With
    Exit Sub
    HandleError CurrentModule, "FillKal", Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub

Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 01 May 2006 at 8:06am
Thanks, looks like everything is ok...

How do you switch between events? Using mouse clicks or via keyboard (Tab button)? How does it reproduced on test machine? Manually or via some automated testing tool?


Posted By: jroenn
Date Posted: 01 May 2006 at 8:39am
Manually with mouse clicks.
As soon as my colleague is back I'll ask him if there is a difference when using the keyboard. I told you, it doesn't happen on my machine.

Posted By: jroenn
Date Posted: 03 May 2006 at 8:57am
He checked it, it doesn't happen via keyboard.

When using the mouse it does not happen, when you click on the time of the event but on the subject.
I switched all the EnableInPlaceEditEventSubjects to false but it still happens.

Kind Regards

Posted By: Shragel
Date Posted: 19 May 2006 at 9:23am
Getting the same error on my machine.

Posted By: jroenn
Date Posted: 07 July 2006 at 4:34am
Any news about this? This is still a huge problem for me.

Best Regards

Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 09 July 2006 at 9:04am
Unfortunately we haven't succedded to reproduce this problem.
However, we've updated some code which might have caused that and it will be included into the nearest release, which would probably be available in nearest couple weeks. Then will need to re-check it.


Posted By: siva
Date Posted: 06 September 2006 at 12:11am

Is there any way to produce Scroll bar between cells in week view or in month view??

Posted By: Shragel
Date Posted: 26 October 2006 at 7:10pm
I have a customer still complaining about this problem. Is there anything that can be done?

Posted By: sserge
Date Posted: 27 October 2006 at 8:20am
Well, we tried to eliminate this magic problem in latest version.
Some corresponding changes were included into 10.3.1 -- try this version.

Anyway, I can not reproduce it on my workstation.

Also another suggestion is to reinstall Visual Studio -- I've heard once that it helped in resolving this problem.


Posted By: Shragel
Date Posted: 27 October 2006 at 8:27am
Will try it. will post if problem remains.

Thank you.

Posted By: jroenn
Date Posted: 27 October 2006 at 8:49am
Originally posted by sserge sserge wrote:

Also another suggestion is to reinstall Visual Studio -- I've heard once that it helped in resolving this problem.

Well, in my case it didn't happen on a machine with Visual Studio installed.

I had some kind of roundtrip in my program. Changing something in the calendar changed some other things that could cause a refresh of the calendar.
I've eliminated this and the problem is not solved but it happens not as often as before.

Best Regards

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