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Change Pane Size Dynamically

Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Docking Pane
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Docking Pane
Printed Date: 12 December 2024 at 8:30am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Change Pane Size Dynamically
Posted By: thodgson
Subject: Change Pane Size Dynamically
Date Posted: 06 December 2003 at 1:18pm

Sorry if this is obvious, but I'm having trouble finding it:

How can I dynamically resize a pane once it is created and attached?

In my OnCreate method, I have:

m_pwndOutbar = m_paneManager.CreatePane(IDR_PANE_OUTBAR, CRect(0, 0, 130, 0), dockLeftOf, m_pwndTreeView );

In the above, the size is initially set.  I'd hate to have to destroy the pane and re-create it.


Posted By: dkf8117
Date Posted: 24 February 2004 at 10:48am
Ever find a solution to this?

Posted By: thodgson
Date Posted: 24 February 2004 at 12:20pm

I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I was able to create a workaround, which works well for us.

My approach was to create a layout, then save it to the registry if it doesn't already exist.  I was informed that layouts must be created in whole, then activated.  You cannot move panes around one at a time any way you like - which is what I really wanted. 


Anyway, in the following code sample, I have a window pane layout named "Visual Studio".  If it was already created and saved to the registry, it is loaded and the layout is "set" (available).  If it doesn't already exist, I create the layout, and save it to the registry. 

// Create or load the Visual Studio Layout

m_pLayoutVisualStudio = m_paneManager.CreateLayout();

if (m_pLayoutVisualStudio->Load(_T("VisualStudio")))






m_paneManager.DockPane(m_pwndTreeView, dockLeftOf);

m_paneManager.DockPane(m_pwndOutbar, dockLeftOf, m_pwndTreeView);

m_paneManager.DockPane(m_pwndPaneChartRealtime, dockBottomOf);

m_paneManager.DockPane(m_pwndPaneOutput, dockBottomOf);

m_paneManager.DockPane(m_pwndPaneLog, dockBottomOf);

m_paneManager.DockPane(m_pwndPaneChartResponseTime, dockBottomOf);

m_paneManager.AttachPane(m_pwndOutbar, m_pwndTreeView);

m_paneManager.AttachPane(m_pwndPaneOutput, m_pwndPaneChartRealtime);

m_paneManager.AttachPane(m_pwndPaneLog, m_pwndPaneChartRealtime);

m_paneManager.AttachPane(m_pwndPaneChartResponseTime, m_pwndPaneChartRealtime);






Whenever I want to show the Visual Studio layout, I just set the pane manager layout:


Conceivably, you could do this on the fly...

Tim Hodgson
ExclamationSoft ( - )
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