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translations not showing on toolbar for help about

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Topic: translations not showing on toolbar for help about
Posted By: RyanCoder
Subject: translations not showing on toolbar for help about
Date Posted: 03 July 2024 at 8:24pm
I have a C++/MFC application that has a CXTPToolbar. All The tooltips when I hover over the toolbar icons show correctly except for ones with ID's "ID_CONTEXT_HELP", "ID_FILE_PRINT", "ID_HELP" and "ID_APP_ABOUT". We have an resource file (.rc file) for english and one for every other language German, French, Spanish, etc. The toolbar icon's tooltip with ID with "ID_SHIFT_LEFT" works. An example of how I set the description/tooltip text in rc files below : 

In file "AAA.rc"

    ID_SHIFT_FLEFT          "Find Data Left\nFind Data Left"

ID_FILE_PRINT           "Print the active document\nPrint"
    ID_CONTEXT_HELP         "Context help\nContext help"


in file "AAA_deu.rc"
ID_SHIFT_FLEFT          "Verbleibende Daten suchen\nVerbleibende Daten suchen"

        ID_HELP                 "Zeigt Hilfe zum aktuellen Vorgang oder Befehl an.\nHilfe"
ID_APP_ABOUT            "Programminformationen, Versionsnummer und Urheberrechte anzeigen\nDie Info"
ID_FILE_PRINT           "Drucken des aktiven Dokuments\nDrucken"
ID_CONTEXT_HELP         "Anzeigen der Hilfe für Schaltflächen, Menüs und Fenster, die angeklickt wurden\nKontexthilfe"

I am assuming there is something special that XTP is doing with the toolbar buttons with these id's "ID_CONTEXT_HELP", "ID_FILE_PRINT", "ID_HELP" and "ID_APP_ABOUT"?

I have looked at XTP example program "MultiLangCommandBars" at "\Program Files (x86)\Codejock Software\MFC\Xtreme ToolkitPro v22.1.0\Samples\CommandBars\MultiLangCommandBars\" and I see this example is loading resources from xml files for each language. I tried to do something similar in my program but I don't want to ship the application with xml files. I would like the xml file contents in the resource of the executable. When I use code below it appears to work as the tooltip text is set but later in our application an error about resource with id "<string id="9148" value="\nOptionen für Symbolleisten"/>" (german xml file MultiLangCommandBars.ResourceDe.xml) is missing... If I load in the xml resource file from disk, instead of from resources in executable the tooltip works and I don't get the error about id="9148". Could this be a bug in XTP Toolkit? Is it possible to load the xml from a resource in the executable?

error is in code :


BOOL CXTPResourceManagerXML::LoadString(CString* pString, UINT nIDResource)


if (!m_bValid || m_pResourceRoot == NULL)

return CXTPResourceManager::LoadString(pString, nIDResource);


CString strPattern;

strPattern.Format(_T("string[@id = \"%i\"]"), nIDResource);

 // DEBUG! strPattern = L"string[@id = \"9148\"]"

if (!m_pResourceRoot->IsSectionExists(strPattern)) 

return CXTPResourceManager::LoadString(pString, nIDResource);


CXTPPropExchangeSection secString(m_pResourceRoot->GetSection(strPattern));

PX_String(&secString, _T("value"), *pString);


return TRUE;


I can see if I can come up a small example program if this helps.


Posted By: RyanCoder
Date Posted: 04 July 2024 at 11:52am

CString sResXML = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resource CompactMode="1" Language="German (Germany)" LANGID="1031">
<string id="57670" value="Zeigt Hilfe zum aktuellen Vorgang oder Befehl an.\nHilfe"/>
<string id="57664" value="Programminformationen, Versionsnummer und Urheberrechte anzeigen\nDie Info"/>
<string id="57607" value="Drucken des aktiven Dokuments\nDrucken"/>
<string id="57669" value="Anzeigen der Hilfe für Schaltflächen, Menüs und Fenster, die angeklickt wurden\nHilfe"/>
CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode xtpXMLNode(TRUE, NULL, L"resource");
CXTPResourceManager *pResMgr = XTPResourceManager();
if (pResMgr)
// commented out code below works. 
//CString strPath(_T("c:\\temp\\MultiLangCommandBars.ResourceDe.xml"));
//CXTPResourceManagerXML* p = new CXTPResourceManagerXML(strPath);

// Code below has errors later in our code as resource id
pResMgr->SetResourceManager(new CXTPResourceManagerXML(&xtpXMLNode));

Posted By: RyanCoder
Date Posted: 04 July 2024 at 12:29pm
I took the sample program "MultiLangCommandBars" and replaced function "CMultiLangCommandBarsApp::SetLocale" with this code below:

BOOL CMultiLangCommandBarsApp::SetLocale(LCID Locale, LPCTSTR szLocale, LPCTSTR szFileName,
if (szFileName)
if (CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode::IsXMLSupported()) // Try to load from XML. Needs IE 4.0
   // installed
CString strPath;
   strPath.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH));

int nIndex = strPath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'));
if (nIndex > 0)
strPath = strPath.Left(nIndex + 1);

strPath = strPath + _T("Translations\\") + szFileName + _T(".xml");

// My code changes are bolded below:
CString sResXML = L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" 
"<resource CompactMode=\"1\" Language=\"German (Germany)\" LANGID=\"1031\">\n" 
"<string id=\"57670\" value=\"Zeigt Hilfe zum aktuellen Vorgang oder Befehl an.\\nHilfe\"/>\n"
"<string id=\"57664\" value=\"Programminformationen, Versionsnummer und Urheberrechte anzeigen\\nDie Info\"/>\n"
"<string id=\"57607\" value=\"Drucken des aktiven Dokuments\\nDrucken\"/>\n"
"<string id=\"57669\" value=\"Anzeigen der Hilfe für Schaltflächen, Menüs und Fenster, die angeklickt wurden\\nHilfe\"/>\n"

CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode xtpXMLNode(TRUE, NULL, L"resource");
CXTPResourceManager* pResMgr = XTPResourceManager();
if (pResMgr)
// commented out code below works. 
//CString strPath(_T("c:\\temp\\MultiLangCommandBars.ResourceDe.xml"));
//CXTPResourceManagerXML* p = new CXTPResourceManagerXML(strPath);

// Code below has errors later in our code as resource id
pResMgr->SetResourceManager(new CXTPResourceManagerXML(&xtpXMLNode));

//if (!XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceManager(new CXTPResourceManagerXML(strPath)))
// return FALSE;
CString strPath;
   strPath.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH));

int nIndex = strPath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'));
if (nIndex > 0)
strPath = strPath.Left(nIndex + 1);

strPath = strPath + _T("Translations\\") + szFileName + _T(".dll");

XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceManager(new CXTPResourceManager());
if (!XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceManager(new CXTPResourceManager()))
return FALSE;

::SetThreadLocale(MAKELCID(Locale, SORT_DEFAULT));
::_tsetlocale(LC_ALL, szLocale);

m_curLanguage = Locale;
return TRUE;
lpszSection = 0x0000024069d50cd8 L"menu[@id = \"129\"]"

BOOL CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode::IsSectionExists(LPCTSTR lpszSection)
if (!OnBeforeExchange())
return FALSE;

CXTPDOMNodePtr xmlNodePtr;

// Exception is thrown here:
HRESULT hr = m_xmlSectionNode->raw_selectSingleNode(CT2BSTR(lpszSection), &xmlNodePtr);

if (FAILED(hr) || xmlNodePtr == NULL)
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

When I run the application I get the exception below:

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFD2D03F2E2 (msxml3.dll) in MultiLangCommandBars.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.


> msxml3.dll!Model::Model(struct TLSDATA *,class Object *) Unknown
  msxml3.dll!OMReadLock::OMReadLock(struct TLSDATA *,class DOMNode *) Unknown
  msxml3.dll!DOMNode::selectSingleNode(unsigned short *,struct IXMLDOMNode * *) Unknown
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode::IsSectionExists(const wchar_t * lpszSection) Line 756 C++
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CXTPResourceManagerXML::LoadMenuW(CMenu * lpMenu, unsigned int nIDResource) Line 1213 C++
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CMainFrame::ResetCommandBars() Line 161 C++
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CMultiLangCommandBarsApp::ReloadDefaultMenu() Line 391 C++
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CMultiLangCommandBarsApp::SetLocale(unsigned long Locale, const wchar_t * szLocale, const wchar_t * szFileName, int bIsRTL) Line 291 C++
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CMultiLangCommandBarsApp::OnLanguageGerman() Line 316 C++
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!CMultiLangCommandBarsApp::InitInstance() Line 166 C++
  [External Code]
  MultiLangCommandBars.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 26 C++
  [External Code]

Does anyone have an idea's on what is wrong?


Posted By: RyanCoder
Date Posted: 04 July 2024 at 4:00pm
Fyi - I figured out the problem with why our program was crashing after loading the xml file contents from a xml resource file in the executable. I was declaring the "xtpXMLNode" as a local variable. It needed to be an allocated object that doesn't get deallocated until CXTPResourceManager gets closed/destroyed...

Fixed example code is below:

CString sResXML = L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" 
"<resource CompactMode=\"1\" Language=\"German (Germany)\" LANGID=\"1031\">\n" 
"<string id=\"57670\" value=\"Zeigt Hilfe zum aktuellen Vorgang oder Befehl an.\\nHilfe\"/>\n"
"<string id=\"57664\" value=\"Programminformationen, Versionsnummer und Urheberrechte anzeigen\\nDie Info\"/>\n"
"<string id=\"57607\" value=\"Drucken des aktiven Dokuments\\nDrucken\"/>\n"
"<string id=\"57669\" value=\"Anzeigen der Hilfe für Schaltflächen, Menüs und Fenster, die angeklickt wurden\\nHilfe\"/>\n"
pXtpXMLNode = std::make_unique<CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode>(TRUE, NULL, L"resource");
CXTPResourceManager* pResMgr = XTPResourceManager();
if (pResMgr)
CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode *ppp = pXtpXMLNode.release();
XTPResourceManager()->SetResourceManager(new CXTPResourceManagerXML(ppp));

Posted By: agontarenko
Date Posted: 11 July 2024 at 4:26am

Have you solved your problem?

Artem Gontarenko

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