Hi All,
I'm trying to put a Shortcutbar on a Dockingpane but I can't seem to get it to work....
I'm got 3 panels - panelShort - panelDocuments - panelPreviewer
What is on the panel is in the name so I'm not going further into details.
So this is the code for creating the Dockingpanels and attaching the Handle of the Panels to the corresponding DockingPanes
private void CreateDockingPanes() { try { // // DockingPaneManager //
this.DockingManager = DockingPaneCC.DockingPaneManager(this); this.DockingManager.AttachPaneEvent += this.DockingManager_AttachPaneEvent; DockingManager.ScaleMode = XTPScaleMode.xtpScalePixel;
Thema.SetVensterThema(null, null, MainForm.Instance.DockingPaneGlobalSettings, DockingManager, MainForm.Instance.ReportControlGlobalSettings, null, null, null);
PDetails = DockingManager.CreatePane(1, ShortcutBar.Width, 50, DockingDirection.DockTopOf); PDetails.Title = "Dossiers"; PDetails.Options = PaneOptions.PaneNoCloseable | PaneOptions.PaneNoHideable | PaneOptions.PaneNoFloatable; PDetails.Handle = panelShort.Handle.ToInt32();
PDocs = DockingManager.CreatePane(2, 250, 250, DockingDirection.DockRightOf, PDetails); PDocs.Title = "Documenten"; PDocs.Options = PaneOptions.PaneNoCloseable | PaneOptions.PaneNoHideable | PaneOptions.PaneNoFloatable; PDocs.Handle = panelDocumentenEmails.Handle.ToInt32();
PPreviewer = DockingManager.CreatePane(3, 250, 100, DockingDirection.DockRightOf, PDocs); PPreviewer.Title = "Voorbeeld weergave"; PPreviewer.Options = PaneOptions.PaneNoCloseable | PaneOptions.PaneNoHideable | PaneOptions.PaneNoFloatable; PPreviewer.Handle = panelPreviewer.Handle.ToInt32();
DockingManager.Options.HideClient = false; } catch (Exception ex) { var dmsEx = new DmsException("Fout bij het initialiseren van DockingPanes", 339, ex); ExceptionLogger.LogError(dmsEx); } }
When I execute this code, the result is this:
What is happening.....?
I hope someone is able to help me!!
Best regards,
Jouke van Rossum
------------- Product: Xtreme SuitePro (ActiveX) version 16.2.3 Platform: Windows 8.1 (x64) Language: Visual Studio 2012 ActiveX C#