I have an app that is using the XTPShellTree &
XTPShellList & XTPShellPidl classes with Visual Studio 2013.
A critical bug has appeared with x64 apps &
Windows 10 x64. (Not sure exactly when the Windows 10 problem originated, but
it definitely is broken in the November Update.) The "My PC" folder
in the tree view cannot be expanded, which means that nothing on the C:, D:,
etc. drives can be accessed through the tree control. Clicking on "My PC" shows the contents
in the list view window, but the tree/folder view window will not expand it by clicking on the >, double clicking, pressing enter, etc.
Other entries in the tree view (external drives,
Libraries, users, control panel, etc.) work as expected. Everything also works
as expected with 32-bit in Windows 10, and with 32-bit or 64-bit in
Windows 7.
I thought at first the problem was with my app, but your
sample app "GUI_Explorer" (16.4.0) has the same problem. I tried
GUI_Explorer in 17.0.0, but it was even worse -- it won't display anything
at all in the Folder view.
I don't know if this is a Codejock issue or a Windows 10
bug, but I've got several thousand users beating on me to come up with a fix.
I've been debugging XTPShellTreeBase.cpp and can see that the GetName method is
returning an empty string for the child names of "My PC", but I haven't
yet been able to determine why it happens.
Can you please take a look ASAP and let me know if you
have a fix or workaround? (If not, I need to switch to an alternative toolkit as quickly as possible, as my app
is dead in the water now.)
Thanks for your help.