I´m trying to use together the GroupFormula and GroupCaption to sum the values of a column and count the children records of the group. The best I have is this, that I took from the forum :
Private Sub RCConsultasFinanceiro_BeforeDrawRow(ByVal Row As XtremeReportControl.IReportRow, ByVal Item As XtremeReportControl.IReportRecordItem, ByVal Metrics As XtremeReportControl.IReportRecordItemMetrics) Dim rcGroupRow As XtremeReportControl.ReportGroupRow If Not Row.groupRow Then If RCConsultasFinanceiro.Columns(Item.Index).Tag = "M" Then Metrics.Text = Format(Item.Caption, "R$ ##.00") End If Else Set rcGroupRow = Row Metrics.Text = rcGroupRow.GroupCaption & " (" & rcGroupRow.Childs.Count & ") " End If End Sub Private Sub RCConsultasFinanceiro_GroupOrderChangedEx(ByVal Column As XtremeReportControl.IReportColumn, ByVal Reason As XtremeReportControl.XTPReportColumnOrderChangedReason) Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim Row As ReportRow Dim groupRow As ReportGroupRow If Reason & xtpReportColumnAddedToGroupby Then For i = 0 To RCConsultasFinanceiro.Rows.Count - 1 Set Row = RCConsultasFinanceiro.Rows(i) If Row.groupRow Then sumSub = "" Set groupRow = Row For j = 0 To RCConsultasFinanceiro.Columns.Count - 1 If RCConsultasFinanceiro.Columns(j).Tag = "M" Then ''If numeric groupRow.GroupFormat = "%.02f" sumSub = sumSub & " SUMSUB(C" & j & ":C" & j + 1 & ")" End If Next groupRow.GroupFormula = sumSub End If Next End If RCConsultasFinanceiro.ReCalc True End Sub
the problem with this code is that the record count is shown together with the total column value instead with the group caption that is where I prefere I´m using vb6 activex 15.3.1 Thanks in advance for the help.