Hello All, I am quite new to the xTreme Pro Suite Toolkit, so please bear with me. I am using CodeJock v. 13.2.1 I am using this library in vb project to add RibbonBar (Office like style)
I have added a ribbon, tabs and control to the ribbonbar. So now I have Office like UI with Tabs, Groups, Controls, SystemButton (Home Button) Now, I am trying to display keytips when user press Alt button.
I have enabled CommandBars Options: "CommandBars.Options.ShowKeyboardTips = True"
This gave me keytips for tabs and buttons inside the tab, I also managed to add keytip for homebutton (not there by defaurl), had to add .Caption to the SystemButton property like this:
Dim m_pRibbonBar As RibbonBar Dim m_pSystemButton As CommandBarPopup Set m_pSystemButton = m_pRibbonBar.AddSystemButton() m_pSystemButton.IconId = ID_SYSTEM 'Adding for accessibility (along with keyboardTips) m_pSystemButton.caption = "&S&B"
Now, I have added another control button (Help button) that I have located on the right sided of the ribbonbar like this:
Dim testBtnRightHandSide As CommandBarControl Set testBtnRightHandSide = m_pRibbonBar.Controls.Add(xtpControlButton, ID_HELP, "&T&est") testBtnRightHandSide.Flags = xtpFlagRightAlign
For some reason when I press Alt button all other controls and tabs are getting keytips BUT not the Help button? Any idea what am I setting incorrectly? All suggestions much appreciated, thank you in advanced... Regards Kris