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ScrollToWorkDayBegin don't work with TimeScale=60

Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Calendar
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Calendar
Printed Date: 04 December 2024 at 9:20pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: ScrollToWorkDayBegin don't work with TimeScale=60
Posted By: GambaJo
Subject: ScrollToWorkDayBegin don't work with TimeScale=60
Date Posted: 24 April 2013 at 8:32am
Product: Xtreme Suite Pro v15.1.3.0908
Platform: Windows XP Prof. 32Bit SP3
Language: Microsoft VB6

I have form with a codejock calendar control on it. In the Form_Load() Method of this form some propertys of this control are set.

I have a problem with the propertys "calendar.DayView.TimeScale", "calendar.options.WorkDayStartTime" and the method "calendar.DayView.ScrollToWorkDayBegin" in the dayview, weekview and workweekview.

When i set

calendar.DayView.TimeScale = 30
calendar.options.WorkDayStartTime = 08:00:00

then the calendar control scrolls the view so the view begins wiht 8 a.m.
So this is ok.


When i set

calendar.DayView.TimeScale = 60
calendar.options.WorkDayStartTime = 08:00:00

then the calendar control scrolls the view so the view begins wiht 0 a.m. and not at 8 a.m.
Why?" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Here is the code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error Resume Next
    m_blnChangeOptions = False
    'Merkmalsliste laden
    m_mkm.Mkm_MakeList Me, "AKTMKM"
    m_mkm.FormatMKMList LIS_MKM
    mkm Me, Nothing, 0, "AKTMKM", m_mkm.MKM_DEFAULT_VOR
    Set moLegalHolidays = New cLegalHolidays
    datePicker.AttachToCalendar calendar
    'FF-4008 - VHA
    datePicker.FirstWeekOfYearDays = 4      '1 = Starts on Jan 1 | 4 = First 4-day week | 7 = First full week
    '** WICHTIG: Wert-FirstWeekOfYearDays MUSS hier explizit gesetzt werden, damit die Kalenderwoche in der Druckvorschau stimmt
    '** Es ist verwunderlich, da FirstWeekOfYearDays vorher schon den Wert 4 besitzt
    '** Ist aber tatsächlich so!!! => mehrfach mit dp getestet
    'datePicker.TextTodayButton = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Heute")
    datePicker.ShowNoneButton = False
    datePicker.ShowTodayButton = False
'    calendar.CaptionButtonTitle 0, g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Tag")
'    calendar.CaptionButtonTitle 1, g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Woche")
'    calendar.CaptionButtonTitle 2, g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Monat")
'    calendar.CaptionButtonTitle 4, g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Arbeitswoche")
'    calendar.CaptionButtonTitle 5, g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Volle Woche")
'    calendar.CaptionButtonTitle 6, g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Spaltenansicht")

    Select Case Val(gBenutzer.CalendarOptions.ItemDefault("lngAnzahlTage", 5))
        Case 1
            calendar.ViewType = xtpCalendarDayView
            calendar.DayView.ShowDay Now, False
        Case 5
            calendar.ViewType = xtpCalendarWorkWeekView
            calendar.ShowMultiColumnsButton = False
        Case 7
            calendar.ViewType = xtpCalendarFullWeekView
            calendar.ShowMultiColumnsButton = True
        Case 30
            calendar.ViewType = xtpCalendarMonthView
    End Select
    calendar.DayView.TimeScale = Abs(gBenutzer.CalendarOptions.ItemDefault("strAufloesung", 30))
    calendar.options.WorkDayStartTime = TimeValue(gBenutzer.CalendarOptions.ItemDefault("timeStartzeit", TimeSerial(8, 0, 0)))
    calendar.options.WorkDayEndTime = TimeValue(gBenutzer.CalendarOptions.ItemDefault("timeEndZeit", TimeSerial(18, 0, 0)))
    calendar.options.WorkWeekMask = xtpCalendarDayMo_Fr
    calendar.ShowTooltipForAllDayEvents = True
    calendar.options.DayViewTimeScaleShowMinutes = True
    If g_Util.IniGet("USERINTERFACE", "useToolBar", "0", Application.Folder & "\flowfact.ini") = "0" Then
        calendar.ShowCaptionBar = False
        datePicker.ShowTodayButton = False
        calendar.ShowCaptionBar = True
        datePicker.ShowTodayButton = True
    End If

    'calendar.VisualTheme = xtpCalendarThemeOffice2003

    'Globale Settings
    CalendarGlobalSettings.ResourceImages.LoadFromFile F_MAIN.m_oSkin.StylePath & "\CalendarStyle.dll", "Office2007Black.ini"
    'CalendarGlobalSettings.Office2007Images = F_MAIN.m_oSkin.StylePath & "\CalendarStyle.dll"
    CalendarGlobalSettings.Title = "FlowFact CRM"
    'Erledigt Icon laden
    Dim objThemeOfice2007 As CalendarThemeOffice2007
    Set objThemeOfice2007 = calendar.Theme

    If Not objThemeOfice2007 Is Nothing Then
        ' add custom icons with special IDs to use them instead of standard
        ' see also PrePopulate event handler
        objThemeOfice2007.CustomIcons.LoadIcon F_MAIN.m_oSkin.StylePath & "\icons\done.ico", ID_ICON_DONE, xtpImageNormal
        'objThemeOfice2007.CustomIcons.LoadBitmap F_MAIN.m_oSkin.StylePath & "\icons\done.bmp", ID_ICON_DONE, xtpImageNormal
    End If
    objThemeOfice2007.event.NORMAL.subject.Font.Bold = False
    objThemeOfice2007.event.Selected.subject.Font.Bold = False
    objThemeOfice2007.event.NORMAL.subject.Font.Size = 8
    'Mindesthöhe der Events
    calendar.Theme.DayView.event.HeightFormula.Divisor = 1
    calendar.Theme.DayView.event.HeightFormula.Multiplier = 1
    If calendar.DayView.TimeScale < 30 Then
        calendar.Theme.DayView.event.HeightFormula.Constant = 6
        calendar.Theme.DayView.event.HeightFormula.Constant = 18
    End If
    calendar.Theme.MonthView.event.HeightFormula.Divisor = 1
    calendar.Theme.MonthView.event.HeightFormula.Multiplier = 1
    calendar.Theme.MonthView.event.HeightFormula.Constant = 18
    calendar.options.EnableAddNewTooltip = False
    calendar.options.EnableInPlaceCreateEvent = False
    calendar.options.EnableInPlaceEditEventSubject_AfterEventResize = False
    calendar.options.EnableInPlaceEditEventSubject_ByF2 = False
    calendar.options.EnableInPlaceEditEventSubject_ByMouseClick = False
    calendar.options.EnableInPlaceEditEventSubject_ByTab = False
    calendar.options.EnablePrevNextEventButtons = False

    'Initialisierungszeitraum setzen
    mLoadedStartDate = Now()
    mLoadedEndDate = mLoadedStartDate

    calendar.PrintOptions.header.textleft = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Datum") & ": " & DateValue(Now)
    calendar.PrintOptions.header.TextCenter ="Name")
    calendar.PrintOptions.header.TextRight = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Zeit") & ": " & TimeValue(Now)
    calendar.PrintOptions.Footer.textleft = "(c)1985-" & Year(Now) & " FlowFact CRM"
    calendar.PrintOptions.Footer.TextRight = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Seite %1 von %2", 1, 1)
    calendar.PrintOptions.Footer.textleft = "(c)1985-" & Year(Now) & " FlowFact CRM"

    calendar.PrintOptions.PrintFrom = TimeValue(TimeSerial(6, 0, 0))
    calendar.PrintOptions.PrintTo = TimeValue(TimeSerial(23, 0, 0))
    calendar.PrintOptions.PrintFromToExactly = True
    mmuNew.Caption = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Neuer Termin") & "..."
    mmuPrint.Caption = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Drucken") & "..."
    mmuPrintPreviw.Caption = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Druckvorschau") & "..."
    mmuTeilnehmer.Caption = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Merkmale") & "..."
    mmuOptions.Caption = g_Util.LanguagePack.TranslateString("Optionen") & "..."
    'Markup aktivieren
    calendar.MarkupEnabled = True
    'Grundfarbe für erledigte Mails hinzufügen
    calendar.DataProvider.LabelList.AddLabel Val(0), Val(0), g_Util.k("0")
End Sub

Posted By: ilya
Date Posted: 31 May 2013 at 2:19pm
Please create a simple project illustrating your issue and post it here or better using customer support ticket system. Thanks

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