I'm trying to draw a line chart without labels for the data points. Not being able to figure out how to do that with a ChartSeriesLineStyle (though I would like to know how to do that), I tried using the ChartSeriesLinesStyle for my diagram. The problem I'm experiencing is that the chart doesn't change the X & Y axis to fit the data, then when I set them explicitly, it still doesn't change. Any suggestions? Code ( C#, Xtreme Chart Pro 1.14.1 ) is as follows: XtremeChartControl.ChartFastLineSeriesStyle LineStyle = new XtremeChartControl.ChartFastLineSeriesStyle(); if (this.axCC_Presentation.Content.Series.Count > 0) axCC_Presentation.Content.Series.DeleteAll(); axCC_Presentation.Content.Titles.DeleteAll(); XtremeChartControl.ChartSeries dataSeries; dataSeries = axCC_Presentation.Content.Series.Add("Raw Data"); for (int i = 0; i < this.dataForAnalysis.Count; i++) { PermData pd = (PermData)dataForAnalysis; dataSeries.Points.Add(pd.Time, pd.Volts); }
axCC_Presentation.Content.Series[0].Style = (XtremeChartControl.ChartSeriesStyle) LineStyle; XtremeChartControl.ChartDiagram2D Diagram = (XtremeChartControl.ChartDiagram2D) axCC_Presentation.Content.Series[0].Diagram; Diagram.AxisX.AllowZoom = true; Diagram.AxisY.AllowZoom = true; Diagram.AxisY.Range.MinValue = -10; Diagram.AxisY.Range.MaxValue = 10; Diagram.AxisX.Range.MinValue = 0; Diagram.AxisX.Range.MaxValue = 25; Diagram.AxisY.Visible = true; Diagram.AxisY.Thickness = 1; Diagram.AxisX.Visible = true; Diagram.AxisX.Thickness = 1; Diagram.AxisX.TickMarks.Length = 5; Diagram.AxisX.TickMarks.Thickness = 1; Diagram.AxisX.TickMarks.Visible = true; Diagram.AxisY.TickMarks.Thickness = 1; Diagram.AxisY.TickMarks.Length = 5; Diagram.AxisY.TickMarks.Visible = true;