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DblClick on Commandbar

Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
Printed Date: 06 October 2024 at 2:31am
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Topic: DblClick on Commandbar
Posted By: jpcoffeyXXX
Subject: DblClick on Commandbar
Date Posted: 03 May 2011 at 7:46pm
Format painting for JobTabs Job Search Software.
I am trying to mimic the format painter in MS Word.  If the user clicks the format painter button once, they can paste the format to a selection and they are done.  If they DblClick the button, the button will stay down until they uncheck the button.  My problem is the command bar control does not have a DblClick event.  I am at my wits end in trying to come up with a solution.  Can anybody suggest a solution or a work around?  Thank you.


John Coffey

VB6, Service Pack 6
WindowsXP O/S
Codejock 13.4, but will soon install Codejock 15.0

Posted By: gibra
Date Posted: 04 May 2011 at 4:29am
You can use ControlRButtonUp event
that work as Execute event.

CJ SuiteControl v: 13.x to 19.x
Windows 10 64bit
VS2019 - VB6.0 SP6
<a href="" rel="nofollow">VS/VB 6.0 Installer v6.8

Posted By: jpcoffeyXXX
Date Posted: 04 May 2011 at 7:59am
Gibra, thank you for the suggestion.  I will consider that if I do not find a more traditional solution.

After I posted the question, it occurred to me that I should have suggested a couple of hacks I was kicking around in hope that someone else had succeeded in implementing them.  For example,

  • Anybody implemented a DblClick via markup on the commandbars?  Markup is permitted on the status bars and the tabs, but I am not sure if it is available on the commandbars themselves.
  • Anybody implemented a DblClick via the ExecuteOnPressInterval property?  I am sure I could fake a double click if I manipulate this property wisely.  Wink

If anybody could help me squeeze a DblClick event out of the commandbars I would be very appreciative.  Otherwise, I will have to deviate from the accepted norms (Microsoft Word) of doing things and prospective customers never like that.  Cry

Thank you!


John Coffey Smile

Posted By: jpbro
Date Posted: 04 May 2011 at 9:27am
Haven't tested it too thoroughly, but this seems to work:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function GetDoubleClickTime Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long

Private mo_FormatBrush As CommandBarControl

Private m_LockFormatBrush As Boolean

Private Sub CommandBars1_Execute(ByVal Control As XtremeCommandBars.ICommandBarControl)
   Dim l_Tick As Long
   Select Case Control.Id
   Case 100
      On Error Resume Next
      l_Tick = Control.Parameter
      On Error GoTo 0
      If GetTickCount - l_Tick <= GetDoubleClickTime Then
         Control.Checked = True
         m_LockFormatBrush = True
         m_LockFormatBrush = False
         Control.Checked = Not Control.Checked
      End If
      Control.Parameter = GetTickCount
   End Select
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyFormatBrushIfActive()
   If mo_FormatBrush.Checked Then
      ' Do your formatting here
      Me.Print "Apply format " & IIf(m_LockFormatBrush, " and deactivate format brush.", " and uncheck format brush")
   End If
   If Not m_LockFormatBrush Then
      ' FormatBrush hasn't been double-clicked, so reset
      mo_FormatBrush.Checked = False
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
   With Me.CommandBars1.AddMenuBar("Test").Controls
      Set mo_FormatBrush = .Add(xtpControlButton, 100, "Format")
   End With
End Sub

Product: Xtreme SuitePro (ActiveX) version 16.2.6
Platform: Windows XP - SP3

Language: Visual Basic 6.0 SP6

Posted By: jpcoffeyXXX
Date Posted: 06 May 2011 at 4:06pm
JPBro, you nailed it.  :-)  The extra effort for retrieving the user's double-click interval as opposed to assuming it is 500 ms is worthy of extra kudos.  This was the most logical solution.  I will put my code here for anyone who cares to use this functionality.  Excuse the formatting as it got out of hand.



Private Sub cbrsEditor_Execute(ByVal Control As XtremeCommandBars.ICommandBarControl)

Select Case Control.ID

Dim lngDoubleClickTime As Long, lngTickCount As Long, lngParm As Long

lngDoubleClickTime = GetDoubleClickTime

lngTickCount = GetTickCount

If Len(Control.Parameter) = 0 Then lngParm = 0 Else lngParm = CLng(Control.Parameter)

If (lngTickCount - lngParm) <= lngDoubleClickTime Then

    bChecked = True

    Control.Checked = bChecked

    m_blnMultiFormatPaint = True


    bChecked = Not Control.Checked

    Control.Checked = bChecked

    m_blnMultiFormatPaint = False

End If


If bChecked Then

    If m_blnMultiFormatPaint = False Then

        'Do work here.  This may be time consuming in some cases, so I placed the GetTickCount at the very end to give people plenty of time for their second click.  Also we need to keep in mind that if we are simulating a double-click, the first click will fire this process.  We don't want the second click to fire it as well, therefore we test the m_blnMultiFormatPaint variable.

        Set Me.MouseIcon = IconColl.Icons.GetImage(ID_CURSOR_FORMAT_PAINTER, 32).CreatePicture(xtpImageNormal)

        Me.MousePointer = vbCustom

        'Give users with slow reflexes plenty of time for their second click

        Control.Parameter = GetTickCount


        Control.Parameter = 0'A breakpoint placed here should catch every dblclick event.  I zero out the parm because a double-click is relative.

    End If


    'Turn off multi-paste

    m_blnMultiFormatPaint = False

    'Reset the mousepointer

    Me.MousePointer = vbDefault

    Set Me.MouseIcon = Nothing

End If

 End Select

Private Sub txBody_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

    Dim cTX As cTextControl, tx As TXTextControl, ctrl As CommandBarControl


    Set tx = txBody

If Button = vbLeftButton Then

    If tx.SelLength > 0 Then

        If Not m_ObjectWithFormatting Is Nothing Then

            FormatPainterApply TXTextControl, m_ObjectWithFormatting


            If m_blnMultiFormatPaint = False Then

                'If apply once then . . .

                'Reset the mousepointer

                Me.MousePointer = vbDefault ' tell vb to use this

                Set Me.MouseIcon = Nothing

                'Uncheck the control

                Set ctrl = CommandBars.FindControl(xtpControlError, ID_EDIT_FORMAT_PAINTER, , True)

                If Not ctrl Is Nothing Then ctrl.Checked = False

                Set ctrl = Nothing

                'Clear the formatting

                Set m_ObjectWithFormatting = Nothing

            End If

        End If

    End If

End If

End Sub

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