i love the chart control but some things like cridline color is not easy to set?
how to set color or gridlines (Chart), i did not find any documentation or examples
' i can set visible but not color diagram.AxisX.GridLines.Visible = checkgridx diagram.AxisY.GridLines.Visible = checkgridy 'color ?? so plan B, setappearance B) How to use the setapparance function, the built in black works in the demos !
how to create a new black with red gridlines??
i open chart builder utility and save the apperance black (as black2.xml)
black2.xml (same values as black (just gridines color is changed)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Appearance CompactMode="1"> <Content BackgroundColor="0, 0, 0" BorderColor="0, 0, 0"> <ChartTitle TextColor="248, 248, 248"/> <Legend TextColor="248, 248, 248" BackgroundColor="0, 0, 0" BorderColor="0, 0, 0"/> </Content> <Diagram2D BackgroundColor="51, 51, 51" BackgroundColor2="0, 0, 0" BorderColor="128, 128, 128"> <Axis Color="150, 150, 150" InterlacedColor="77, 77, 77" InterlacedColor2="0, 0, 0"> <GridLines Color="255, 0, 0" MinorColor="77, 77, 77"/> <AxisLabel TextColor="248, 248, 248"/> <AxisTitle TextColor="248, 248, 248"/> <ConstantLine Color="0, 0, 0" TextColor="248, 248, 248"/> <Strip Color="0, 0, 0"/> </Axis> </Diagram2D> <SeriesStyle> <Label BackgroundColor="255, 255, 255" TextColor="255, 255, 255" BorderColor="255, 255, 255" ConnectorColor="255, 255, 255"/> </SeriesStyle> <FinanceSeriesStyle UpColor="250, 250, 250" DownColor="200, 0, 0"/> <PieSeriesStyle BorderColor="0, 0, 0"/> </Appearance>
------------- so now i just want to load and set appearance, but i dont work? how to setappearance from xml file?
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim PropExchange As PropExchange
Set PropExchange = ChartControlGlobalSettings.CreatePropExchange
PropExchange.CreateAsXML True, "Content"
PropExchange.LoadFromFile ("f:\black2.xml")
' this destroy chart
' ChartControl.Content.DoPropExchange PropExchange
' nothing happens
ChartControl.Content.Appearance.LoadAppearance PropExchange
ChartControl.Content.Appearance.SetAppearance "PropExchange"
' ChartControl.Content.Appearance.SetAppearance "Black"
End Sub
Regards Developerx