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Problem Responding CXTPControlCustom Button Click

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
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Topic: Problem Responding CXTPControlCustom Button Click
Posted By: tommyvee
Subject: Problem Responding CXTPControlCustom Button Click
Date Posted: 23 August 2010 at 1:56am

I am updating an application that used a much older version of the CodeJock libraries.

The application has a complicated class that is derived from CButton used in a toolbar, so I would like to just use this class with CXTPControlCustom.
While the toolbar buttons appear fine, there is no response when they are clicked.
So I modified the Samples\CommandBars\CommonControls sample to add a CButton to the CommandBar using CXTPControlCustom to try to understand the problem. I am unable to get any action out of clicking the CXTPControlCustom CButton in the modified sample, either.
Seems like I am missing something obvious and I hope some CodeJock experts can help out.
Here is the code from the modified sample application, where I create the custom control.
int CMainFrame::OnCreateControl(LPCREATECONTROLSTRUCT lpCreateControl)


  int iID = lpCreateControl->nID;

  // Create the Button control

  if (lpCreateControl->nID == ID_TVTOOLBAR_BMP2)


     // Get the ID of the control currently being created

    UINT nID = lpCreateControl->nID;

    m_wndTVButton1.Create("TVButton1",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON,

    CRect(0, 0, 70, 20), this, ID_TVTOOLBAR_BMP2);


    // Use m_wndTVButton1 to create a CXTPControlCustom* control

    CXTPControlCustom* pCustomButton = CXTPControlCustom::CreateControlCustom(&m_wndTVButton1);

    // Set the ID of the custom control to the ID of the radio button


    lpCreateControl->pControl = pCustomButton;

    return TRUE;


Here is the code from the MESSAGE_MAP where I tried to catch the button click event (I tried various methods, none worked).




and the simple functions that never get called are below.

void CMainFrame::OnTVButtonClicked()


   AfxMessageBox("TV Button Clicked Msg");


void CMainFrame::OnTVButtonExecute(NMHDR *pNMHDR,LRESULT *pResult)


   AfxMessageBox("TV Button Clicked Execute Msg");


Thanks for the help,


Posted By: tommyvee
Date Posted: 05 September 2010 at 7:55pm
After a while I figured this out by wandering through the samples. To respond to a click on a CXTPControlCustom control, you need to use a MESSAGE_MAP defined in your custom control with an ON_CONTROL_REFLECT macro like,

I am not sure why direct ON_COMMAND() macros in MainFrame.cpp message map do not work for CXTPControlCustom controls, but they don't and following the sample is not too hard. I would still like to understand why the messaging works this way.

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