VB2008 SP1 - Windows XP SP3
my form use a Ribbonbar, like RibbonSample.sln sample project shipped in SuitePro 13.2.1,
where I can change different Styles loading the appropriate library:
Office2007Black.dll, Office2007Aqua.dll, ...
I load the library using appropriate statement, example:
CommandBarsGlobalSettings.Office2007Images = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + " file://\\..\\Styles\\Office2007Aqua.dll - \\..\\Styles\\Office2007Aqua.dll "
All work fine.
Now, what i would is to know how to get the colors (and images) from the current DLL loaded.
I know that DLL contains this info, then I have try to search if CommandBar control contains methods or properties to get them, but I not found nothing to help me.
Please note that I DON'T want change any colors or images in library!!!
I want simply retrieve colors (and images).
The goal is to use this settings to apply colors and images to other form.
I already know that I can apply theme style to other forms using the below statement:
this change only the form border aspect, but doesn't change any other color. I.e. form BackColor, ForeColor still uses the System colors.
Also, when I use a PushButton with Appearance = 6 (xtpAppearanceOffice2007) when I apply the theme Office2007Black to the form, the PushButton still to use Office2007Blue theme, of course. I would be able to reflect the Black theme instead of Blue theme.
Briefly, I would achieve same results using the SkinControl which use .cjstyles.
Anyone can help me about?
------------- gibra CJ SuiteControl v: 13.x to 19.x Windows 10 64bit VS2019 - VB6.0 SP6 <a href="" rel="nofollow">VS/VB 6.0 Installer v6.8