Hide Toolbars From CustomizeDlg
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Topic: Hide Toolbars From CustomizeDlg
Posted By: nettel
Subject: Hide Toolbars From CustomizeDlg
Date Posted: 04 January 2005 at 7:27am
Someone can help me????
I have a little, perhaps easy problem.
I want to hide a toolbar from the customize dialog at runtime. At the
moment, I can disable the bar in the contextmenu. That was easy:
Now I look for an easy way, without overwrite parts of codejock-library, to hide it from the dialog.
So, who can help me????
Posted By: SuperMario
Date Posted: 06 January 2005 at 9:47am
Here is how you can delete the toolbars page, I'm not sure how to delete individual toolbars from list.
void CMainFrame::OnCustomize()
CXTPCustomizeSheet cs(GetCommandBars()-);
Posted By: nettel
Date Posted: 06 January 2005 at 11:11am
Hi SuperMario,
thanks for the anwser. But it don't solve my problem. There are many
other toolbar they want to be customizable. Whatever it's a way - not
so fine but it's a way.
Now, here comes the next problem with the same background. Not only in
CustomizeDlg also in the MenuEntry "Toolbars" with ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR
(59392) appears the toolbar. So my question to solve it is: it is
possible to delete the toolbar temporary from the CommandbarList in the
CommandBars-Object???? If Yes, how can I put the Bar back??
Have a nice day