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Build Problem (LINK ERROR) for CodeJock 12.0.0

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Description: Topics Related to Visual C++ MFC Development in General
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Topic: Build Problem (LINK ERROR) for CodeJock 12.0.0
Posted By: cryptomail
Subject: Build Problem (LINK ERROR) for CodeJock 12.0.0
Date Posted: 11 May 2009 at 6:39pm
Hi all.
Thanks for having me.
I recently acquired the CodeJock library and was having some problems initially building for a target: Static Lib but with DYNAMIC MFC DLL

Here are the steps that I went through to encouter the problem:
1)  Launch the build wizard, and select things such that a) you build a static library of CodeJock b) you attempt to employ MFC as a DLL
2)  Build the libraries
3)  Note that they are in place in \Program Files\Codejock Software\MFC\Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0\lib\vc80 (ToolkitPro1200vc80DSD.lib, ToolkitPro1200vc80DS.lib)
4) YAY! :) That's a good if not great sign!

Then during integration with my project, I added in stdafx.h #include <XTToolkitPro.h>   // Codejock Software Components

However, during the build I noticed that the DEFAULT for my configuration was to employ the DLL version of CodeJock!!!
That's not what I picked when I started the build wizard! :(

This is what I had to do:

Before #include <XTToolkitPro.h>   // Codejock Software Components
I added

so we have:

#include <XTToolkitPro.h>   // Codejock Software Components

Then, in the project I did an explicit link with ToolkitPro1200vc80DSD.lib.

Then it compiled and linked just fine!!

I think it may prove beneficial to not force us (developers) to employ _XTPLIB_NOAUTOLINK and enforce EXPLICIT linking as the default behavior.
I dunno, it's a library, as developers, we better damn well know what the heck we're linking to, and what versions of it, and what it all means, when we do link to perhaps _XTPLIB_NOAUTOLINK should be on by default and the pragma for autolinking should be taken out, or something :)

That's just my opinion based on my 'Get CodeJock, and get up and go experience'.
I hope I didn't do anything wrong, and my experience is not due to user error.

I tried searching the forums and kinda came up empty, so I'm sorry if this is a dupe, which it probably is.

I welcome any and all feedback, and I appreciate the library, it's neat and there are tons of goodies!!!!
Thanks CodeJock!

Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 12 May 2009 at 2:19am
What problem with  Autolinking ? You will get notification that library was linked + you don't need set it up for all Release/Debug/Unicode configurations you have. and it will be easy update to new version.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: cryptomail
Date Posted: 12 May 2009 at 10:07am
Originally posted by oleg oleg wrote:

What problem with  Autolinking ? You will get notification that library was linked + you don't need set it up for all Release/Debug/Unicode configurations you have. and it will be easy update to new version.

Hey Oleg, well my  real problem (and experience) was originating with #define _XTP_STATICLINK not being defined automatically, after it was chosen via the wizard setup.  In terms of a get up and go experience, I had to dig to find out that it needed to be defined, in order for things to work properly.

I understand there are benefits with respect to autolinking via a pragma, I just haven't used that technique too much because it's very subtle and implicit.
However, I agree that if you know that autolinking is going on, and you know what target you're going after, it shouldn't be a problem.
I think it was more of a stylistic comment more than anything.

Thanks for your hard work, and thanks for CodeJock.
It Rocks!

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