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Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Suite Pro
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Suite Pro
Printed Date: 05 February 2025 at 11:59am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Posted By: Renan
Subject: LICENSE
Date Posted: 18 November 2004 at 12:58am


Could somebody help me with my Licensing problem. How do I use or create the .LIC file, what is is the right naming "NAME.LIC" for it and how do I integrate or call fron my code.

I tried using the class .License and it doesnt work.

I'm using VB6, and latest version of Xtreme Suite for ActiveX.

Thank! :)

Posted By: SuperMario
Date Posted: 18 November 2004 at 7:34am
Try adding this:

CommandBarsGlobalSettings.License = "Line 1 of lic file" & vbCrLf & "Line 2 of lic file" & vbVrLf & etc...
DockingPaneGlobalSettings.License = "Line 1 of lic file" & vbCrLf & "Line 2 of lic file" & vbVrLf & etc...

Posted By: Boyd
Date Posted: 18 November 2004 at 7:59am

Just a follow-up, the LIC file is not created by the developer.  It is provided by Codejock when you install the licensed version of the controls.  There is a LIC file for each OCX you have a license for.  These files are installed in the same location as the OCX files and are named the same as the OCX file (except with the LIC exention instead of OCX).

Hope this helps!

Posted By: Renan
Date Posted: 19 November 2004 at 5:16am

Thanks a lot guys for your prompt response.

Posted By: dlord
Date Posted: 26 November 2004 at 9:11am

does it need to include the last few line of ----

Warning:  This product is licensed to you pursuant to the terms of the
license agreement included with the original software, and is
protected by copyright law and international treaties.  Unauthorized
reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal
penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under
the law.


Posted By: Boyd
Date Posted: 26 November 2004 at 9:29am
Nope... you can exclude those lines.

Posted By: umcbrad
Date Posted: 23 November 2005 at 3:35pm

Codejock Support,

I'm trying to distribute the Codejock.ReportControl.Unicode.v9.80.ocx file with my .exe for client use.

I am using a c++ .exe that calls a VB activeX dll, which in turn uses the codejock Report Control .ocx.  The c++ .exe is built in ASNI, not Unicode, just in case that matters.  For testing purposes, I have also tried loading the .ocx file directly in C++ using COleDispatchDriver::CreateDispatch().  The errors I mention below occur the same either way I try it....

Things work fine on my Dev machine, and I have even got things to work on more than one client machine.  However, we are having problems with installing on other client machines...we have had successful installs on machines running XP Pro and Server 2003.  We have had bad installs on machines running XP Pro, and Server 2003.  In one case, we have had one error (mentioned below) on a server 2003 machine, and then the other error on the same machine, but when logging onto the machine with MS Remote Desktop Program (mstsc.exe).

I get two different errors on two different installs when trying to create an instance of the ocx (or when calling the VB dll that contains it).  One is a Microsoft error, SCODE 80040112, which is "the class is not licensed for use", and the other is SCODE 80040154, which is "class not registered".

I have copied the codejock .ocx to the client machine and registered it using regsvr32.exe.  Is this the correct procedure?  Is there someone in the documentation that mentions the distribution procedure?  What about this .lic file?  Is it just for when using with the IDE?

Thanks for the help,




Posted By: JamesH
Date Posted: 23 November 2005 at 4:59pm


Are you setting the licence?  In our WTL application we do somthing like this:

 CComPtr<XtremePropertyGrid::IPropertyGridGlobalSett ings> spPropertyGridSettings;
 spPropertyGridSettings.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Xtrem ePropertyGrid::PropertyGridGlobalSettings));
 spPropertyGridSettings->License = _T("Property Grid Control Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Codejock Software\r\nPRODUCT-ID: Codejock.PropertyGrid.ActiveX.v9.80\r\nVALIDATE-CODE: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx");

Not sure if that will help but might give you something else to look at?

Posted By: gbdc
Date Posted: 24 December 2005 at 3:31pm
When I try to distribute my program to a test machine, I keep getting this error upon execution:

"the class is not licensed for use"

I work in VB6 environment, and I embedded the lic file contents as you have suggested above:

    CommandBarsGlobalSettings.License = _
    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 1" & vbCrLf & _
    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxline 2" & vbCrLf & _
    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 3"
    XtremeCommandBars.CommandBarsGlobalSettings.License = CommandBarsGlobalSettings.License

    and so on for all the codejock controls I use, in the frmMain.form_initialize routine.

Any advice?     

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