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ToolTips in CXTPToolBar

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
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Topic: ToolTips in CXTPToolBar
Posted By: fredwobus
Subject: ToolTips in CXTPToolBar
Date Posted: 11 November 2004 at 4:17am

As you might remember from my post ( - PN=1   "Attaching to a CWnd pSite does not work")  I am experimenting with a toolbar which sits inside a dialog window instead of a CFrameWnd.
I loose the ability to dock/float the toolbar, but that's not needed anyway.

I am trying to activate tooltips for this toolbar, but have failed so far.

The toolbar is created using
i.e. the magic flag to activate the tooltips is switched on.

In the OnUpdateCmdUI method of the parent dialog I try the following to set the tooltip text:

   CXTPControl* pControl = CXTPControl::FromUI(pCmdUI);

The enabling/disabling works perfectly, but I never see a tooltip.

How does the CommandBar handle tooltips?
Do I need to implement a TTN_NEEDTEXT message ?
Why does it work when the toolbar sits docked in a CFrameWnd ?


Posted By: krulle
Date Posted: 11 November 2004 at 4:40am

I got tooltips working in my toolbar in a dialog based class. I construct the toolbar the same way as you. I have no update handlers and i don't use the SetTooltip method. I just add the controls in this way and give them a caption string. The string given to SetCaption() will be shown as tooltip.

CXTPControl* c = m_ToolBar.GetControls()->Add(xtpControlButton, cmdId);



Posted By: fredwobus
Date Posted: 11 November 2004 at 4:54am
Thanks for the hint.

My controls do not have the xtpFlagManualUpdate flag and are therefore controlled by the OnUpdateCmdUI method.

However, I tried setting the manual flag and the caption right after creating the toolbar. And i still don't see any tooltips.

I forgot to mention that my dialog and its toolbar are inside an ActiveX control.

In XTPCommandBar.cpp (version 9.51) in line 195 I found these lines
    #ifdef _XTP_ACTIVEX
        pModuleState->m_pfnFilterToolTipMessage = &AxFilterToolTipMessage;
Would that have something to do with it ?


Posted By: fredwobus
Date Posted: 11 November 2004 at 6:43am

Brilliant! I found the solution in another post on CodeJock - PN=1  
"Task Panel Tooltips in ActiveX control "

All I need to do is to create a class based on CXTPToolBar, which overrides OnWndMsg, and in there I do the FilterToolTipMessage as described in the previous post.

I think this sort of thing could have been done in the toolkit. I hope future versions get tested inside ActiveX controls as well as in MFC monolithic apps.

Thanks for your help so far.

Cheers, Fred

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