Ok I just purshased the Xtreme Suite and so far very satisfied,
although there is a few features one hope to see added in the future.
Anyhow, as new to any set of controls one is apt to make newbie
mistakes, so I thought it to be a good idea to start a thread listing
some tips or what to think of when starting out and I have just started
to work with the Designer to create toolbars so this thread is about my
(and possibly ohters) experiences with it.
Make use of Categories
When starting to create controls it's easy to
belive categories and topmenu levels (the Built-in Menus) belongs
together and you create a category for each toplevel. Don't do that! Organize your controls into logical categories.
Menu item clicks are trapped by it's ID (Control.Id) in the
Commanbars.Execute_Event() in all examples I have read so far. If you
have lots of menu and other controls in your toolbars you are going to
end up with a long long Select Case Statment, which isn't anything bad
in it self. But you can organize your code better by making use of the
"category" property and check for Select Case Control.Category
instead of Select Case Control.Id and then branch to a sub
routine for each catagory passing Control.Id as an argument and then,
there make a Select Case to check the ID and take proper action.
This helps you to keep your code organized and is particulary useful when several menu items relate to the same thing.