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Few questions about SyntaxEdit

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Syntax Edit
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Syntax Edit
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Topic: Few questions about SyntaxEdit
Posted By: smoreno
Subject: Few questions about SyntaxEdit
Date Posted: 21 January 2009 at 12:27pm
Hello! Iīm a spanish developer and I want to include the Syntax Edit ActiveX control into my application. Before purchase the component I am trying to use and configure this control in a vcl c++ visual application and I have few questions:

Firstly, I want to know if I can disable breakpoints. I have been looking for this in the documentation and I havenīt found the way to do this. I don't need breakpoints and I need they never appear without disabling the SelectionMargin.

I also want to know if the ActiveX component provides a way for showing the Options Dialog which appears in the MFC sample application of the ToolkitProEval.MFC.v12.1.1 or I must implement it.

Finally, I could see that there isn't any funtion for collapse and expand all nodes in the syntax edit (ActiveX component). Maybe I am wrong. If there is a way to do this, please tell me.

Thank you in advance. Bye.

Posted By: mdoubson
Date Posted: 27 January 2009 at 1:26pm
Why don't get ToolkitPro and use it in your VC++ app with full power and source to use and modify?

Posted By: mattatmilsoft
Date Posted: 12 February 2009 at 10:10am
I'm guessing smoreno can't do that because he wants a "vcl c++" control, which means he's not using Microsoft, he's using CodeGear.

smoreno, how's the evaluation of SyntaxEdit coming? I'm in a similar situation, and am trying to decide whether to use SyntaxEdit or Scintilla.

Posted By: mdoubson
Date Posted: 12 February 2009 at 3:02pm
1. There are SyntaxEditControl functions: void CollapseAll(); and void ExpandAll();
2. In VB sample Options control by VB own form - not a part of OCX. So you can implement one you like.
this is example of VB code from frmOptions - VB SyntaxEditSample:
Option Explicit
Public m_pSyntaxEdit As SyntaxEdit
Private m_pFont As New StdFont
Private Sub Apply(pSyntaxEdit As SyntaxEdit)
    pSyntaxEdit.Font.Bold = m_pFont.Bold
    pSyntaxEdit.Font.Italic = m_pFont.Italic
    pSyntaxEdit.Font.Name = m_pFont.Name
    pSyntaxEdit.Font.Size = m_pFont.Size
    pSyntaxEdit.Font.Strikethrough = m_pFont.Strikethrough
    pSyntaxEdit.Font.Underline = m_pFont.Underline
    pSyntaxEdit.ShowLineNumbers = IIf(chkLineNumbers.Value > 0, True, False)
    pSyntaxEdit.ShowSelectionMargin = IIf(chkSelMargin.Value > 0, True, False)
    pSyntaxEdit.ShowScrollBarVert = IIf(chkScrollVert.Value > 0, True, False)
    pSyntaxEdit.ShowScrollBarHorz = IIf(chkScrollHorz.Value > 0, True, False)
    pSyntaxEdit.EnableAutoIndent = IIf(chkAutoIndent.Value > 0, True, False)
    pSyntaxEdit.EnableVirtualSpace = IIf(chkVirtualSpace.Value > 0, True, False)
    pSyntaxEdit.EnableSyntaxColorization = IIf(chkSyntaxColorization.Value > 0, True, False)
End Sub
Public Sub ApplyTo(pSEdest As SyntaxEdit, pSEsrc As SyntaxEdit)
    pSEdest.Font.Bold = pSEsrc.Font.Bold
    pSEdest.Font.Italic = pSEsrc.Font.Italic
    pSEdest.Font.Name = pSEsrc.Font.Name
    pSEdest.Font.Size = pSEsrc.Font.Size
    pSEdest.Font.Strikethrough = pSEsrc.Font.Strikethrough
    pSEdest.Font.Underline = pSEsrc.Font.Underline
    pSEdest.ShowLineNumbers = pSEsrc.ShowLineNumbers
    pSEdest.ShowSelectionMargin = pSEsrc.ShowSelectionMargin
    pSEdest.ShowScrollBarVert = pSEsrc.ShowScrollBarVert
    pSEdest.ShowScrollBarHorz = pSEsrc.ShowScrollBarHorz
    pSEdest.EnableAutoIndent = pSEsrc.EnableAutoIndent
    pSEdest.EnableVirtualSpace = pSEsrc.EnableVirtualSpace
    pSEdest.EnableSyntaxColorization = pSEsrc.EnableSyntaxColorization
End Sub
Private Sub btnFont_Click()
    cmndlgFont.Flags = cdlCFBoth + cdlCFEffects + cdlCFForceFontExist + cdlCFFixedPitchOnly
    cmndlgFont.FontBold = m_pFont.Bold
    cmndlgFont.FontItalic = m_pFont.Italic
    cmndlgFont.FontName = m_pFont.Name
    cmndlgFont.FontSize = m_pFont.Size
    cmndlgFont.FontStrikethru = m_pFont.Strikethrough
    cmndlgFont.FontUnderline = m_pFont.Underline
    m_pFont.Bold = cmndlgFont.FontBold
    m_pFont.Italic = cmndlgFont.FontItalic
    m_pFont.Name = cmndlgFont.FontName
    m_pFont.Size = cmndlgFont.FontSize
    m_pFont.Strikethrough = cmndlgFont.FontStrikethru
    m_pFont.Underline = cmndlgFont.FontUnderline
    txtFont.Caption = CLng(m_pFont.Size) & " pt. " & m_pFont.Name
    txtFont.Font.Bold = m_pFont.Bold
    txtFont.Font.Italic = m_pFont.Italic
    txtFont.Font.Strikethrough = m_pFont.Strikethrough
    txtFont.Font.Underline = m_pFont.Underline
End Sub
Private Sub cmdApply_Click()
    Apply m_pSyntaxEdit
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = tbsOptions.SelectedItem.Index
    'handle ctrl+tab to move to the next tab
    If (Shift And 3) = 2 And KeyCode = vbKeyTab Then
        If i = tbsOptions.Tabs.Count Then
            'last tab so we need to wrap to tab 1
            Set tbsOptions.SelectedItem = tbsOptions.Tabs(1)
            'increment the tab
            Set tbsOptions.SelectedItem = tbsOptions.Tabs(i + 1)
        End If
    ElseIf (Shift And 3) = 3 And KeyCode = vbKeyTab Then
        If i = 1 Then
            'last tab so we need to wrap to tab 1
            Set tbsOptions.SelectedItem = tbsOptions.Tabs(tbsOptions.Tabs.Count)
            'increment the tab
            Set tbsOptions.SelectedItem = tbsOptions.Tabs(i - 1)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    m_pFont.Bold = m_pSyntaxEdit.Font.Bold
    m_pFont.Italic = m_pSyntaxEdit.Font.Italic
    m_pFont.Name = m_pSyntaxEdit.Font.Name
    m_pFont.Size = m_pSyntaxEdit.Font.Size
    m_pFont.Strikethrough = m_pSyntaxEdit.Font.Strikethrough
    m_pFont.Underline = m_pSyntaxEdit.Font.Underline
    txtFont.Caption = CLng(m_pFont.Size) & " pt. " & m_pFont.Name
    txtFont.Font.Bold = m_pFont.Bold
    txtFont.Font.Italic = m_pFont.Italic
    txtFont.Font.Strikethrough = m_pFont.Strikethrough
    txtFont.Font.Underline = m_pFont.Underline
    chkLineNumbers.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.ShowLineNumbers, 1, 0)
    chkSelMargin.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.ShowSelectionMargin, 1, 0)
    chkScrollVert.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.ShowScrollBarVert, 1, 0)
    chkScrollHorz.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.ShowScrollBarHorz, 1, 0)
    chkAutoIndent.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.EnableAutoIndent, 1, 0)
    chkVirtualSpace.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.EnableVirtualSpace, 1, 0)
    chkSyntaxColorization.Value = IIf(m_pSyntaxEdit.EnableSyntaxColorization, 1, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Set m_pSyntaxEdit = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub tbsOptions_Click()
    Dim i As Integer
    'show and enable the selected tab's controls
    'and hide and disable all others
    For i = 0 To tbsOptions.Tabs.Count - 1
        If i = tbsOptions.SelectedItem.Index - 1 Then
            picOptions(i).Left = 210
            picOptions(i).Enabled = True
            picOptions(i).Left = -20000
            picOptions(i).Enabled = False
        End If
End Sub

Mark Doubson, Ph.D.

Posted By: lperis
Date Posted: 18 October 2010 at 12:20pm
Hi folks!!

I've been looking for some info about disabling the SyntaxEdit breakpoints and I only could find this post. So before creating a new topic I've preferred try to reactive this thread.

My question is the same as Sergio's unanswered question. I'm using the ActiveX component as a vcl c++ control, and I would like to disable the breakpoints, so is there any way to not display the breakpoints?

Thanks in advance.


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