I'm a complete newbie with CodeJock software. I have commandbars and controls 2007. I have a large existing project written in MS Visual C++ 6.0 with MFC, using MDI windows. I have managed to convert my default menu and toolbars to use Xtreme CommandBars and MenuBar, but I have some questions.
(1) In my existing code, if the user switches between MDI windows, I currently override CView::OnActivateView and dynamically add and delete menus as appropriate for the current window. I used to call GetMenu to retrieve the main application menu, but that no longer works. I presume I now call GetCommandBars()->GetMenuBar() to retrieve a pointer to the application menu bar - is that right? How do I then add or delete menus to this?
(2) The main application menu used to automatically list each open MDI Child Window at the bottom of the Windows menu. That no longer happens. How do I get that working again? I notice that there is a method CXTPMenuBar::AddMDIMenu. Can I use this? It appears to take a resource ID, but I have no idea what the resource is for.
(3) How can I create context menus that have the same look and style as the application menus now have?
(4)I seem to be spending a long time trying to work out how to do things. I have looked at samples, documentation, online help, and the Internet sites, but I still have loads of questions and cannot even work out how to use either the "Designer Studio" application or the "Resource Editor". I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be able to do with them, or whether I even need them (e.g. for toolbar and dialog design). I want to improve the look of my toolbars and toolbar icons. Do I need to use the Resource Editor for this? Is there any good introduction info that I'm missing? All help much appreciated.