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SOLVED: Hopefully easy MDI question.

Printed From: Codejock Forums
Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Docking Pane
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Docking Pane
Printed Date: 07 July 2024 at 6:36am
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Topic: SOLVED: Hopefully easy MDI question.
Posted By: JasonG
Subject: SOLVED: Hopefully easy MDI question.
Date Posted: 10 September 2008 at 2:41pm
Ok, so I have what HAS to be a simple question...

I have an MDI form with a docking control and a commandbar control.
The 2 docking panes are being link to 2 borderless forms. pretty basic.

The commandBar simply has a FILE menu, code taken from one of the demo projects.

When I resize the splitter to increase/decrease the width of the pane(s), Everything in the panes resizes properly, however, the client area of the MDI form does not resize. when you increase the pane width, the splitter is visibly hidden underneath the MDI client area. When the width is decreased, there is a gap between the docking panes and the MDI client area.

Very Odd.

I've attached the code in a ZIP file, but it would be pretty easy to just copy the code, its VERY little. -


Option Explicit

Dim itemPane As Pane
Dim propertyPane As Pane

Dim MenuBar As MenuBar

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
  Call InitializeDockingPanes
  Call InitializeCommandBar
End Sub

Sub InitializeCommandBar()
    CommandBarsGlobalSettings.App = App
    Dim Control As CommandBarControl
    Dim ControlFile As CommandBarPopup, ControlEdit As CommandBarPopup, ControlView As CommandBarPopup
    Dim ControlHelp As CommandBarPopup
    Dim custControl As CommandBarControlCustom
    Set ControlFile = CommandMain.ActiveMenuBar.Controls.Add(xtpControlPopup, 0, "&File")
    With ControlFile.CommandBar.Controls
        .Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_NEW, "&New"
        .Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_OPEN, "&Open"
        .Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_CLOSE, "&Close"
        .Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_SAVE, "&Save"
        Set Control = .Add(xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_PRINT, "&Print")
        Control.BeginGroup = True
        .Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP, "Print Set&up..."
        Set Control = .Add(xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_EXIT, "&Exit")
        Control.BeginGroup = True
    End With

    CommandMain.AddImageList imlToolbarIcons
End Sub

Sub InitializeDockingPanes()

      Set itemPane = dockMain.CreatePane(1, 200, 120, DockLeftOf)
      itemPane.Title = "Objects"
      itemPane.Options = PaneNoCloseable + PaneNoHideable

      Set propertyPane = dockMain.CreatePane(2, 200, 120, DockBottomOf, itemPane)
      propertyPane.Title = "Properties"
      propertyPane.Options = PaneNoCloseable + PaneNoHideable

      dockMain.PaintManager.SplitterStyle = PaneSplitterGripperOfficeXP
      dockMain.PaintManager.SplitterColor = &HE0E0E0
      dockMain.Options.LunaColors = False
      dockMain.VisualTheme = ThemeOffice2003
      dockMain.TabPaintManager.OneNoteColors = True
      dockMain.PanelPaintManager.OneNoteColors = True
      dockMain.TabPaintManager.ClientFrame = xtpTabFrameNone
      dockMain.EnableKeyboardNavigate PaneKeyboardUseAll 

End Sub

Private Sub dockMain_AttachPane(ByVal Item As XtremeDockingPane.IPane)
  On Error Resume Next
  Select Case Item.Id
    Case 1 'Items
      Item.Handle = frmItemTree.hWnd
    Case 2 'Properties
      Item.Handle = frmProperties.hWnd
  End Select
End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Product: Xtreme SuitePro (ActiveX) 12.0.1
Platform: Windows Vista/XP
Language: Visual Basic 6.0 SP6

Posted By: younicke
Date Posted: 10 September 2008 at 7:19pm

In your Initialize Docking Pane add the red line:

Sub InitializeDockingPanes()


dockMain.SetCommandBars Me.CommandMain
    dockMain.PaintManager.SplitterStyle = PaneSplitterGripperOfficeXP

End Sub

Posted By: JasonG
Date Posted: 11 September 2008 at 8:35am
I saw this suggestion in another post, and I tried it without luck. However, for some weird reason, adding the "me." to the call seems to have done it.

Thanks so much!!

Product: Xtreme SuitePro (ActiveX) 12.0.1
Platform: Windows Vista/XP
Language: Visual Basic 6.0 SP6

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