- uploads/
I have to update report control columns automatically depending on the selection. For example, Column5 = Column1 + Column3 & Column1 = Column5 - Column3 etc
One complication is that some of the columns can be changed dynamically by the user, depending on which column is currenty visible, Column5 could then become sum of col1 + col4 for e.g.
I could not do this in the OnEditChanged() of the CXTPReportRecordItem because I was unable to determine how to find out if the record item was visible or not.
I manually update everything in the ON_NOTIFY(XTP_NM_REPORT_VALUECHANGED, IDC_BEFORE_CNCTN, OnBeforeCnctnValueChanged) function. Code is attached.
Here is the problem. Let's say currenty I have visble col 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5. Col5 is sum of col1 & 3. If I change col1, col5 gets updated correctly. However, if I now change col5, col1 is supposed to automatically update as difference of col5 and 3. But I am unable to update col5 once I enter values in col1, and col5 updates automatically.
Code is copied here: The .h and .cpp files are attached.
void CConsumptionDlg::OnBeforeCnctnValueChanged(NMHDR* pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* result) { XTP_NM_REPORTRECORDITEM* pItemNotify = (XTP_NM_REPORTRECORDITEM*) pNotifyStruct; ASSERT(pItemNotify != NULL);
int row = pItemNotify->pRow->GetIndex(); int col = pItemNotify->pColumn->GetIndex(); pFinalCurrent->SetCaption("Final Current [mA]");
double dFinalCrnt, dLEDCrnt, dDongleCrnt; CString strFinalCrnt, strLEDCrnt, strDongleCrnt;
if ( pLEDCurrent->IsVisible() ) { // LED Current cannot be edited, and does not need to be updated strLEDCrnt = m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_LED_CRNT)->GetCaption(pLEDCurrent); dLEDCrnt = atof(strLEDCrnt); // Either Dongle Current column changed: if (col == COLUMN_DONGLE_ACTIVE) { strDongleCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetCaption(pDongleCurrent); //strDongleCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetItemData(); dDongleCrnt = atof(strDongleCrnt); // Update the Final Current: strFinalCrnt.Format("%.2f", (dDongleCrnt+dLEDCrnt) ); m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_FINAL_CRNT)->SetCaption(strFinalCrnt); } // Or Final Current column changed: else if (col == COLUMN_FINAL_CRNT ) { strFinalCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetCaption(pFinalCurrent); //strFinalCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetItemData(); dFinalCrnt = atof(strFinalCrnt); // Update the Dongle Current: strDongleCrnt.Format("%.2f", (dFinalCrnt - dLEDCrnt)); m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_DONGLE_ACTIVE)->SetCaption(strDongleCrnt); } } // Customer LED current has been selected else { // Donlge Current has changed if (col == COLUMN_DONGLE_ACTIVE) { strDongleCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetCaption(pDongleCurrent); //strDongleCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetItemData(); dDongleCrnt = atof(strDongleCrnt); strLEDCrnt = m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_USER_LED_CRNT)->GetCaption(pLEDCurrentCstmr); dLEDCrnt = atof(strLEDCrnt); // ------ Update the Final Current ------ strFinalCrnt.Format("%.2f", (dDongleCrnt+dLEDCrnt) ); m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_FINAL_CRNT)->SetCaption(strFinalCrnt); } // Customer LED Current has changed else if (col == COLUMN_USER_LED_CRNT) { strLEDCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetCaption(pLEDCurrentCstmr); //strLEDCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetItemData(); dLEDCrnt = atof(strLEDCrnt); strDongleCrnt = m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_DONGLE_ACTIVE)->GetCaption(pDongleCurrent); dDongleCrnt = atof(strDongleCrnt); // ------ Update the Final Current ------ strFinalCrnt.Format("%.2f", (dDongleCrnt+dLEDCrnt) ); m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_FINAL_CRNT)->SetCaption(strFinalCrnt); } // Final Current column has changed else if (col == COLUMN_FINAL_CRNT ) { strFinalCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetCaption(pFinalCurrent); //strFinalCrnt = pItemNotify->pItem->GetItemData(); dFinalCrnt = atof(strFinalCrnt); strLEDCrnt = m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_USER_LED_CRNT)->GetCaption(pLEDCurrentCstmr); dLEDCrnt = atof(strLEDCrnt); // ------ Update the Dongle Current ------ strDongleCrnt.Format("%.2f", (dFinalCrnt - dLEDCrnt)); m_Report_b4_cnctn.GetRecords()->GetAt(row)->GetItem(COLUMN_DONGLE_ACTIVE)->SetCaption(strDongleCrnt);
} }
m_Report_b4_cnctn.Populate(); m_Report_b4_cnctn.RedrawControl(); m_Report_b4_cnctn.AllowEdit(TRUE); m_Report_b4_cnctn.FocusSubItems(TRUE); m_Report_b4_cnctn.SetFocus();