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How to integrate results into C code?

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Command Bars
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Topic: How to integrate results into C code?
Posted By: vcor
Subject: How to integrate results into C code?
Date Posted: 19 August 2008 at 7:07pm
In Commnad Bars Designer  (CBD),  I see how to create my menu and toolbars, but there is no information about how to transfer the design into a C++ project.  There is nothing in the CBD help about it, nor could I find any help in the forums. I’m sure it’s something obvious I’m missing, but I can’d find a single word about what you do once you’ve completed the design other than to save it into the .xcb file.

The web site products section talks about adding one-line of code to make it all work. What is this one-line and where does it go?  Again, not a word about it in help.

Going into Visual Studio, the only change I found was under Tools is a number of URLs for CodeJock. Is this the only integration there is?  I was sort of expecting some way to get to the programs from within Visual Studio.

Another really minor note about CBD help – it doesn’t tell you how you start the program. Had to dig around to find the executable under the Utilites folder.  Not quire sure why all the useful programs are buried under so many folders  in the CodeJock’s directory and the items least likely to be used are stuck near the top (uninstall, license, release notes, toolkit deployment).

Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 20 August 2008 at 2:14am


There is Samples\CommandBars\DesignerSample sample that loads xcb file.

Oleg, Support Team

Posted By: vcor
Date Posted: 20 August 2008 at 12:42pm
I did find the  Toolkit users guide, section 4, Tutorial.  Although It's written for an old VS, It seems to mostly apply to VS2008.  At the completion, I get a bunch of errors. Do I need a different version of the toolkit to work with VS2008 or are there additional instructions to make it work with VS2008 (SP1)?

Is there an error in step 4 of the instructions? It indicates to add the code into the existing routine, but this didn't make sense to me as the existing code would never get executed after the return 0. I assumed you meant to say to replace the code (Which is what I tried).

These are the sort of errors I'm seeing:
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(28) : error C2248: 'CMDIFrameWndEx::GetThisMessageMap' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'CMDIFrameWndEx'
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(321) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx::GetThisMessageMap'
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(43) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(43) : error C2509: 'OnCreate' : member function not declared in 'CMainFrame'
1>        f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.h(10) : see declaration of 'CMainFrame'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(97) : error C2248: 'CMDIFrameWndEx::PreCreateWindow' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'CMDIFrameWndEx'
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(238) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx::PreCreateWindow'
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(43) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(97) : error C2352: 'CMDIFrameWndEx::PreCreateWindow' : illegal call of non-static member function
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(238) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx::PreCreateWindow'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(154) : error C3861: 'UpdateMDITabbedBarsIcons': identifier not found
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(162) : error C2352: 'CMDIFrameWnd::AssertValid' : illegal call of non-static member function
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwin.h(4019) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWnd::AssertValid'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(167) : error C2352: 'CMDIFrameWnd::Dump' : illegal call of non-static member function
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwin.h(4020) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWnd::Dump'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(176) : error C3861: 'ShowWindowsDialog': identifier not found
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(188) : error C2248: 'CMDIFrameWndEx::OnToolbarCreateNew' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'CMDIFrameWndEx'
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(305) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx::OnToolbarCreateNew'
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(43) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(188) : error C2352: 'CMDIFrameWndEx::OnToolbarCreateNew' : illegal call of non-static member function
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(305) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx::OnToolbarCreateNew'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(275) : error C2352: 'CMDIFrameWndEx::LoadFrame' : illegal call of non-static member function
1>        c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxmdiframewndex.h(231) : see declaration of 'CMDIFrameWndEx::LoadFrame'
1>f:\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\mdisample\mdisample\mainfrm.cpp(289) : error C3861: 'GetUserToolBarByIndex': identifier not found

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