I have created one Docking pane,on which 3 subtabs are there.
onclicking a subtab on the docking pane,we can view separate separate dialogs.i have put the 3 different dialogs on the pane,one for each subtab.Till this point there is no problem.
The problem is coming in the initial representation of the docking pane. it is not coming along the view,But initially it starts from the (0,0)screen coordinates. And after i click the first tab in the docking pane,it comes to the proper position,and afterwards it starts working correctly.Only initially it is not coming in the proper position.
you will get better idea after seeing the screen.please see the attachment.
I have referred your DockingPane sample. But now i am screwed and not able to trace the problem,as already the sample is little difficult to understand.
Herewith i am sending one text file and three bitmaps of the window.
In the text file,i had sent the code which i am using to generate the docking pane and putting the dialogs on the pane.
the bitmaps show the condition of window,after running the program.
Please find the attachment and Please guide me for this problem
https://forum.codejock.com/uploads/20080801_070410_DockingPane.zip - uploads/20080801_070410_DockingPane.zip
All and all,my question was,How did you managed your docking pane to size in the proper position,according to the view? because you also have used the coordinates(0,0,200,120) in your dockingpane sample.
I too doing the same thing,then where the problem is coming?
Why i am facing the appearance problem initially when i run the program?
Please explain in detail.
Thanks And Regards,