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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Command Bars
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Topic: CXTPStatusBar
Posted By: Surbhi
Subject: CXTPStatusBar
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 12:44am
Hi, I want to create a button on status Bar, and add functionality to it in a Dialog Application. Please can you guide me proper steps for it. Thanking in anticipation, Regards, Surbhi Mehta
Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:23am
Just add simple pane and call pPane->SetButton(TRUE);
------------- Oleg, Support Team CODEJOCK SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
Posted By: Surbhi
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 11:20pm
Dear Sir, Thanks a lot for the input. But even trying out your solution is causing the Dialog Application to crash. I have created a a function CreateStatusBar() and calling it in OnInitDialog(). Sir Could you please provide me with more inputs if possible. I will be very grateful to you. Thanking you in anticipation,
Best Regards, Surbhi Mehta Software Developer.
Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 16 July 2008 at 1:09am
Attach what you have with crush. I will show how to fix it.
------------- Oleg, Support Team CODEJOCK SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
Posted By: Surbhi
Date Posted: 16 July 2008 at 1:54am
Dear Sir, Thanks for the input. Here is the code //Declaration CXTPStatusBar m_wndStatusBar; CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane;
//Implementation BOOL CDialogSampleDlg::CreateStatusBar() { if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this)) { TRACE0("Failed to create status bar\n"); return FALSE; // fail to create }
pPane = m_wndStatusBar.AddIndicator(0); pPane->SetWidth(100); pPane->SetStyle(SBPS_STRETCH | SBPS_NOBORDERS); pPane->SetBeginGroup(TRUE); pPane = m_wndStatusBar.AddIndicator(IDC_BTN_FIRST_STATUS,1); pPane->SetText(_T("First")); pPane->SetButton(TRUE); pPane->SetPadding(50, 0, 50, 0); pPane->SetWidth(pPane->GetBestFit());
return TRUE; }
//Calling BOOL CDialogSampleDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
if (!CreateStatusBar()) return -1;
if (!InitCommandBars()) return -1; CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars = GetCommandBars(); m_wndStatusBar.SetCommandBars(pCommandBars);
return TRUE; }
Sir on the click of button it crashes , Even though I had handled its event
In OnBtnFirst I had implemented A MessageBox only. Sir could you please guide me about change of Class or anything. Thanking you in anticipation, Best Regards, Surbhi Mehta Software Developer
Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 16 July 2008 at 5:50am
Not sure why you have CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane in class declaration but think it can be reason.
declare it in method:
CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane= m_wndStatusBar.AddIndicator(0);
------------- Oleg, Support Team CODEJOCK SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
Posted By: Surbhi
Date Posted: 16 July 2008 at 7:10am
Dear Sir, Thanks alot for the input.I implemented your suggestion. But still the crash is persistent. Sir could you please send me a Dialog Based Sample which has a status bar with a button and its event is handled. I am sure it would be of great help to me. Thanking you in anticipation, Surbhi Mehta Software Developer. uploads/ - uploads/
Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 16 July 2008 at 1:23pm
Now you're right :( Buttons in statusbar assumes statusbar located in Frame.
Please add small derived class
class CMyStatusBar : public CXTPStatusBar
void OnPaneClick(CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane)
GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, pPane->GetID());
and replace
CXTPStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
CMyStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
it will be fixed in next release
------------- Oleg, Support Team CODEJOCK SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
Posted By: Surbhi
Date Posted: 18 July 2008 at 2:01am
Dear Sir, Thanks a lot for the input. My problem is solved I am very grateful to you. Best Regards, Surbhi Mehta