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Create a floating pane...

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Category: Codejock Products
Forum Name: Toolkit Pro
Forum Description: Topics Related to Codejock Toolkit Pro
Printed Date: 26 December 2024 at 7:59am
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Topic: Create a floating pane...
Posted By: ddlittle
Subject: Create a floating pane...
Date Posted: 31 August 2004 at 10:15am

I'm trying to create a floating pane, which works, but not before resizing everything in the frame for the frame to fit.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong.  Anybody have any ideas?  Here's the code:

  m_paneManager.CreatePane(IDR_EDITPIPESIZES,CRect (0,0,100,100),(XTPDockingPaneDirection)NULL,NULL); // a NULL is the same as dockLeftOf apparently...

LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDockingPaneNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  CXTPDockingPane* pPane = (CXTPDockingPane*)lParam;

// lots of code for other panes omitted...
   switch (pPane->GetID())
      m_pEditPipeSizes = new CEditPipeSizes;
     if(!m_pEditPipeSizes->GetSa feHwnd())
      m_pEditPipeSizes->Cre ate(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_EDITPIPESIZES),GetActiveView());
      pPane->Attach(m_pEdit PipeSizes);
      m_pEditPipeSizes->m_a uxInput = auxInput;
     CRect r;
     POINT pt;
     m_pEditPipeSizes->GetClient Rect(&r);
     int w = r.Width();
     int h = r.Height(); = pt.y;
     r.bottom = + h + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
     r.left = pt.x ;
     r.right = r.left + w;
     m_paneManager.FloatPane(pPane, r);
//.. more stuff


Any ideas?


- David Little


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