COM - VB - XAML Pie Chart Demo
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Topic: COM - VB - XAML Pie Chart Demo
Posted By: ijwelch
Subject: COM - VB - XAML Pie Chart Demo
Date Posted: 22 June 2008 at 2:39am
A basic pie chart in XAML.
Suggestions and comments welcome.
uploads/ - uploads/
------------- ExtremeSuitePro 12.1.1
Posted By: ijwelch
Date Posted: 22 June 2008 at 2:45am
I was expecting the following markup to work but it just fills the shape with black:
<Canvas> <Polygon Points='80,80 159,79 158,78 158,76 158,75 158,73 158,72 158,71 158,69 158,68 158,67 157,65 157,64 157,62 156,61 156,60 156,58 155,57 155,56 155,54 154,53 154,52 153,51 153,49 152,48 152,47 151,45 150,44 150,43 149,42 149,40 148,39'> <Polygon.Fill> <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5, 0"> <GradientStop Color="#FFFF00" Offset="0"/> <GradientStop Color="#00FF00" Offset="1"/> </LinearGradientBrush> </Polygon.Fill> </Polygon> </Canvas>
------------- ExtremeSuitePro 12.1.1
Posted By: Oleg
Date Posted: 22 June 2008 at 8:00am
LineGradient now works for Borders/Rectangles only. :-(
Things will change with GDI+.
Thanks for doing this. Its great. Some new Arcs and Curves Tags will be added also. :-)
------------- Oleg, Support Team CODEJOCK SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
Posted By: spain_2008
Date Posted: 30 June 2008 at 7:10am
Hola, niños:
Qué, dandele a la teclas. Eso está muy bien.
Os dejo un trocito de codigo que seguro que os pondrá cachondos.
private void CambiaAngleMin(Double p) {
Polygon A = new Polygon();
int angulo_A, angulo_B;
if (AngleMax < p) { angulo_A = (int)p;
angulo_B = (int)AngleMax; } else { angulo_A = (int)AngleMax;
angulo_B = (int)p; } A.Points.Add(new Point(55, 55));
while (angulo_A != angulo_B) { Point Punto = new Point(); Double Angulo; Double x, y;
// Radianes; Angulo = (Math.PI * (angulo_A - 90)) / 180;
x = Math.Cos(Angulo) * 55; y = Math.Sin(Angulo) * 55;
x = x + 55; y = y + 55;
Punto.X = x; Punto.Y = y; A.Points.Add(Punto);
angulo_A--; }
A.Points.Add(new Point(55, 55));
A.Stroke = Brushes.Black; A.Fill = Brushes.Red;
PEDRO.Children.Clear(); PEDRO.Children.Add(A);
------------- Hola, chavales!!!
Posted By: braian87b
Date Posted: 02 July 2008 at 11:01am
spain_2008 wrote:
Hola, niños:
Qué, dandele a la teclas. Eso está muy bien.
what?, giving to the keyboard (means writing code), that is very fine
Os dejo un trocito de codigo que seguro que os pondrá cachondos. here is a piece of code, im sure; you gonna like it
cambia: change
angulo: angle
punto: point
PEDRO: personal name, like 'robert' private void CambiaAngleMin(Double p) {
Polygon A = new Polygon();
int angulo_A, angulo_B;
if (AngleMax < p) { angulo_A = (int)p;
angulo_B = (int)AngleMax; } else { angulo_A = (int)AngleMax;
angulo_B = (int)p; } A.Points.Add(new Point(55, 55));
while (angulo_A != angulo_B) { Point Punto = new Point(); Double Angulo; Double x, y;
// Radianes; Angulo = (Math.PI * (angulo_A - 90)) / 180;
x = Math.Cos(Angulo) * 55; y = Math.Sin(Angulo) * 55;
x = x + 55; y = y + 55;
Punto.X = x; Punto.Y = y; A.Points.Add(Punto);
angulo_A--; }
A.Points.Add(new Point(55, 55));
A.Stroke = Brushes.Black; A.Fill = Brushes.Red;
PEDRO.Children.Clear(); PEDRO.Children.Add(A);
Posted By: braian87b
Date Posted: 02 July 2008 at 11:03am
and the sing:
spain_2008 wrote:
Hola, niños:
Hola, chavales!!! Pues nada vamos a ver si le damos mas vidilla a estos post y dejamos de dejar basura. Consejo: dejad de decir chorradas y pegar codigo que funciones y no tonterias y chorradas. Besos
Hello guys!, well, nothing, lets see if we give more live to this post and we leave the crap. Advise: stop saying "chorradas" (stupid thing) and paste code, what functions and no stupids and "chorradas", kisses