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Panes missing in action

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    Posted: 11 July 2022 at 4:39pm
Using CJ V20.1

I have three monitors with the one in the middle being the primary. It is a 4k monitor and the DPI setting is 200%. I have Extend Desktop to this monitor for the other two. One is left of the primary and one is right of the primary.

I run the app with a DPI context of system aware. My app is on the monitor to the right of the main monitor. I float a pane on that monitor. Then, I save the layout. Now I move my app to the main monitor and I load the layout.

The floating pane fails to display. I have to do one of two things. Before I load the layout I have to move my app window to the right monitor.


I have to move my app to the left monitor. Just like Penny Lane - Very Strange

It doesn't matter where on that right monitor the pane is positioned. And, positioning a floating pane on the main monitor or the one to the left of the main monitor is no problem. I load the layout and it displays. I do see one minor issue when on the left monitor. When the pane displays, it isn't quite the right size. But, as soon as I activate it, it resizes - scales by the DPI scale factor of 200%. I see that with other apps too though.

Now, I can use Spyxx and find the pane when it is on the right monitor and the app window isn't. Though I can't see it, I know it has WS_VISIBLE (SPYxx can't highlight it though) and I can view the position of the window in Spyxx. I see the same info in Spyxx when the floating pane displays and when it does not display. All coordinates appear to be just fine. I also can trap the OnPaint call so I know it is trying to paint when the layout is loaded.

I also loaded previous versions of our app that used CJ many versions ago and this is happening to all of them. So, it isn't new.

So, somehow, though I have had this monitor config for 3, 4 or 5 years, I never caught this issue. However, IT recently pushed out Windows 20H2 and I have build 19042.1706 now. And it isn't trivial to try and get the version I had previously.

One other thing. If I set my DPI awareness context to per monitor aware, I have no issue at all when it comes to getting floating panes to display.

Looking for anyone that might have this issue too or have seen it. And if someone has such a monitor setup, and can't duplicate it, what OS they might be using.
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