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*REQUIRED* When upgrading using Visual Studio .NET

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SuperMario View Drop Down
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    Posted: 24 June 2008 at 10:17am
The following article applies to the ActiveX\COM product line.

If you are upgrading versions of Codejock Software and use Visual Studio .NET (and version)  then there are a few simple steps that you must do to ensure your projects work the first time you try to open and run them.

These are the only steps needed, you DO NOT need to remove any references from your project and re-add them.  Perform these steps before opening your projects after an upgrade.

1. Make sure all versions of Visual Studio are closed.

2. Uninstall the older version.

3. Install new version.

4. Open up the folder where your project is located using Windows Explorer.

5. Delete ALL temps files which include:
  • Bin directory
  • Obj directory
  • .suo file (This file is hidden by the system, you must set your folder settings to view it.)
  • .user file (This file is hidden by the system, you must set your folder settings to view it.)
6. Open up the .vbproj or .csproj file in your favorite text editor like notepad, DO NOT use Visual Studio to perform this step.

*If you are upgrading form the evaluation version to the retail version and have not switched version numbers then you can skip to step 8.

7. Change the <VersionMajor></VersionMajor> and <VersionMinor></VersionMinor> tags for all Codejock components to the version of the software you are switching to. 

Note that there are 2 referenced in this file for each component added.  For example, if you use commandbars and have version 12 then you will see this in your file:

    <COMReference Include="AxXtremeCommandBars">
    <COMReference Include="XtremeCommandBars">

You must change the VersionMajor and VersionMinor tags for both references to the version of the software you are upgrading or downgrading to.

8. Open up your project and select Clean, then Rebuild All.

If you followed these steps correctly then you should have no problems upgrading versions of Codejock Software using Visual Studio .NET.

Hope this helps
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