Don't want to show Event but reminder needed |
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Groupie Joined: 09 May 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 30 |
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Posted: 13 October 2008 at 11:40am |
We are using Active X Calendar Control for our PowerBuilder product. In our last release calendar control was great hit by our customers.
As a enhancement request, they want to log the To-Do List for the users just to get reminders but not to show in calendar as it gets too crowded with the events.
Is there a way in calendar control to create a event by not showing in the calendar but reminder to be poped up to the user.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Groupie Joined: 26 August 2007 Status: Offline Points: 50 |
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A visible flag for events so they could be hidden would be cool
Groupie Joined: 09 May 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 30 |
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So there is no option in calendar control. So then how people are handling the To-Do list as like in outlook without showing in calendar by reminder getting popped up
Senior Member Joined: 17 November 2008 Status: Offline Points: 1705 |
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I am working with PowerBulder integration now and recommend you to update to current 13.1 version and get after-released update here
E.g. it supported printpreview just clicking internal CalendarControl button and has many new features compare with 2008 version See snaphots here I can consider your idea to have event property Visible or have special Category or Importance value which Calendar will not show in all Views or in MonthView only if we will have enough clients who like to have such feature Example of event for create or modify event using built-in editors:
event doubleclicked;
OleObject activeView OleObject levent OleObject hitTest OleObject viewEvent datastore lds string ls_subject
long days integer rc levent = create OleObject
activeView= create OleObject hitTest = create OleObject activeView = Calendar.object.ActiveView
days = activeView.DaysCount
OlecalendarDialog = create OleObject
OlecalendarDialog.ConnectToNewObject("Codejock.CalendarDialogs.13.1.0") OlecalendarDialog.Calendar(Calendar.object) hitTest = activeView.HitTest ()
if isValid(hitTest) then
viewEvent = hitTest.ViewEvent if isValid( viewEvent) then levent = viewEvent.Event() if IsValid(levent) then if OlecalendarDialog.ShowEditEvent(levent) then lds = create datastore lds.DataObject = 'd_events' lds.SetTransObject(SQLCA) rc = lds.InsertRow(0) lds.SetItem(rc,'Subject', levent.Subject ) lds.SetItem(rc,'startdatetime', levent.StartTime) lds.SetItem(rc,'enddatetime', levent.EndTime) lds.SetItem(rc,'location', levent.Location) lds.SetItem(rc,'body', levent.Body) lds.update() destroy lds end if end if else levent = Calendar.object.DataProvider.CreateEvent()
levent.StartTime = hitTest .HitDateTime if OleCalendarDialog.ShowNewEvent2(levent) then lds.DataObject = 'd_events' lds.SetTransObject(SQLCA) rc = lds.InsertRow(0) lds.SetItem(rc,'Subject', levent.Subject ) lds.SetItem(rc,'startdatetime', levent.StartTime) lds.SetItem(rc,'enddatetime', levent.EndTime) lds.SetItem(rc,'location', levent.Location) lds.SetItem(rc,'body', levent.Body) lds.update() destroy lds Calendar.object.DataProvider.AddEvent(levent) end if end if end if destroy OlecalendarDialog
destroy levent destroy activeView destroy hitTest destroy viewEvent end event
Senior Member Joined: 17 November 2008 Status: Offline Points: 1705 |
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This is workspace archive with some instructions inside - How to setuo CJ CalendarControl ActiveX in PowerBuilder -
Groupie Joined: 20 December 2008 Location: Belgium Status: Offline Points: 88 |
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I started already a threat some time ago for a Hide property. This is the same question, it would be nice to have this feature.
ABO Service
Senior Member Joined: 17 November 2008 Status: Offline Points: 1705 |
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I add new event property - EventVisible
You can set it in PrePopulate function call based on your model logic
Private Sub CalendarControl_PrePopulate(ByVal ViewGroup As XtremeCalendarControl.CalendarViewGroup, ByVal Events As XtremeCalendarControl.CalendarEvents)
................................... pEvent.EventVisible = False
Use fresh activex 13.1 upgrade from here -
unrar it on same place your official 13.1 located. Rename the same way as official filename use No need to re-registrate as you already had it I am interesting in your testing with hidden reminders - please post
Senior Member Joined: 17 November 2008 Status: Offline Points: 1705 |
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Recent publication in PBDJ
PowerBuilder: Article Implement a Calendar Component in PowerBuilder ApplicationsEnhance the look of the calendars within your scheduling modules By Alon Baadani
Recent PB project here - uploads/
Recent beta-ocx 13.2 - here - |
Groupie Joined: 09 May 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 30 |
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I couldn't test the scenario in time, since our production server was set to run in the old version. Now I tried the same thing what you mentioned your email. When I ran the official setup of Codejock calendar
Codejock.Calendar.v13.1.0.ocx Size was 2572KB with Timestamped 8/19/2009 3.28 PM
When I unzip the file what you attached, still the same size & timestamp, But Once I renamed as per your steps, I tried the Eventvisible in Add Event method, it is not working.
Still the event is shown in the calendar control.
Let us know, what else we need to do
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