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ToolTipContext example

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Simas View Drop Down

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    Posted: 06 December 2007 at 7:46am
Can you please tell me where can I find an example using the ToolTipContext?
Is it possible to use it with a VB Image control, for example?
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Oleg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Oleg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06 December 2007 at 1:02pm
Sorry, ToolTipContext is internal class and can't work as separate control.
Oleg, Support Team
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Simas View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Simas Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 December 2007 at 4:30am
Hi and thanks for the answer.
No problem about the TooltipExtension, but what about the Tooltip Window as in this page?
Can you point me to an example or sample?
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Oleg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Oleg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 December 2007 at 2:42am
Hi, Tooltip Window  is part of MFC code only :(
Oleg, Support Team
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Baldur View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Baldur Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 December 2007 at 2:52pm
try this VB-Class:
    ' Tool Tip Class
    ' 17-NOV-2004
    ' Mark Mokoski
    ' C & M Telephone
    ' Class for the creation of Rectangular and Balloon Multiline Tool Tips.
    ' See Code for details on Syntax, variables and constants.
    ' This Class Module works by sub classing the parent control.
    ' Works with most of the common controls, the ones it will not work
    ' with are controls that do not support tool tips themselves.
    ' There are some controls that support tool tips but complain with this
    ' sub classing module (only Microsoft knows why!).
    ' Do not use the native tool tip with the parent control and this together,
    ' you get overlapping tool tips!
    ' This class module is also know to work on the following OS's (all Win32)
    ' Windows Me
    ' Windows 2000
    ' Windows XP
    ' MSDN Docs state that IE 5 or higher is needed for Balloon tips
    ' It's usefull as it is written, so give it a try!
    ' As brought to my attention on 01-DEC-2004
    ' Parts of this class was writen by Eidos on PSC
    ' I found it in bits on other sites and did the usual inprovments
    ' and changes to for my needs.
    ' So, credit for the core of this class goes to Eidos at PSC
    ' Eidos's code can be founfd at:
    ' Public Methods:
    ' .CreateBalloon     Create Balloon Tool Tip
    ' .CreateTip         Create Rectangular Tool Tip
    ' .Remove            Kills Tool Tip object
    ' Public Properties:
    ' .Active            Boolean    Activate (visible)/Deactivate (hide) tool tip
    ' .ParentControl     Long       hWnd of Control that the tool tip is subclassed (displays on)to
    ' .Style             Enum Type  Tool Tip style, Rectangular or Balloon
    ' .Centered          Boolean    Tool Tip is centered on parent control when visible
    ' .Icon              Enum Type  Tool Tip Icon used when tool tip has a title
    ' .Title             Text       Tool Tip title text
    ' .Fore Color        Long       Tool Tip text color and border color if Balloon tip
    ' .BackColor         Long       Tool Tip Background color
    ' .TipText           Text       Tool Tip text
    ' .hWnd              Long       Tool Tip Windows Handle (.hWnd) READ ONLY
    ' .ShowTime          Long       Tool Tip visible time in mSec (10000 = 10 Sec)
    ' Sample code:
    '    Option Explicit
    '   'Make new tool tip object for this project
    '   Dim Command1Tip              As New clsTooltips
    '   Private Sub Form_Load()
    '   'Make the complete Tool Tip, text, title, icon
    '   Command1Tip.CreateBalloon Command1, "I turned off all the Tool Tips " + vbCrLf + "Click to restore Tool Tips", "Tool Tips are OFF", tipIconWarning
    '   End Sub
    '   Put this delare in the Sub_Main module...
    '       'Int Common Controls Lib
    '       Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()
    '   Then call the sub in the Sub_Main
    '       'Int Common Controls Lib
    '       InitCommonControls

    Option Explicit
    ' API Functions
    Private Declare Function CreateWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "CreateWindowExA" (ByVal dwExStyle As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String, ByVal dwStyle As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal hInstance As Long, lpParam As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Function DestroyWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long
    Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long
    'Int Common Controls Lib, put in startup module and execute
    '"InitCommonControls" in Sub_Main
    'Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()
    ' Constants
    'Windows API Constants
    Private Const WM_USER = &H400
    Private Const CW_USEDEFAULT = &H80000000
    Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Private Const SWP_NOACTIVATE = &H10
    Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
    Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
    Private Const WS_POPUP As Long = &H80000000
    Private Const WS_BORDER As Long = &H800000
    'Tooltip Window Constants
    Private Const TTF_IDISHWND                As Long = &H1
    Private Const TTF_TRANSPARENT = &H100
    Private Const TTF_CENTERTIP = &H2
    Private Const TTM_ADDTOOLA = WM_USER + 4
    Private Const TTM_ACTIVATE = WM_USER + 1
    Private Const TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA = WM_USER + 12
    Private Const TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH = WM_USER + 24
    Private Const TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR = WM_USER + 19
    Private Const TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR = WM_USER + 20
    Private Const TTM_SETTITLE = WM_USER + 32
    Private Const TTM_SETDELAYTIME            As Long = WM_USER + 3
    Private Const TTM_GETDELAYTIME            As Long = WM_USER + 21
    Private Const TTM_SETMARGIN               As Long = WM_USER + 26
    Private Const TTM_UPDATE                  As Long = (WM_USER + 29)
    Private Const TTS_NOPREFIX = &H2
    Private Const TTS_BALLOON = &H40
    Private Const TTS_ALWAYSTIP = &H1
    Private Const TTF_SUBCLASS = &H10
    Private Const TTDT_AUTOPOP                As Long = 2
    Private Const TTDT_AUTOMATIC              As Long = 0
    Private Const TTDT_INITIAL                As Long = 3
    Private Const TTDT_RESHOW                 As Long = 1
    'Tool Tip Icons
    Private Const TTI_ERROR                   As Long = 3
    Private Const TTI_INFO                    As Long = 1
    Private Const TTI_NONE                    As Long = 0
    Private Const TTI_WARNING                 As Long = 2
    'Tool Tip API Class
    Private Const TOOLTIPS_CLASSA = "tooltips_class32"
    ' Types
    'Windows API Types
        Private Type RECT
            Left                              As Long
            Top                               As Long
            Right                             As Long
            Bottom                            As Long
        End Type
    'Tooltip Window Types
        Private Type TOOLINFO
            lSize                             As Long
            lFlags                            As Long
            TiphWnd                           As Long
            lId                               As Long
            lpRect                            As RECT
            hInstance                         As Long
            lpszText                          As String
            lParam                            As Long
        End Type
    'Local Class variables and Data
    'Local variables to hold property values
    Private toolBackColor                     As Long
    Private toolTitle                         As String
    Private toolForeColor                     As Long
    Private toolParentControl                 As Long
    Private toolIcon                          As toolIconType
    Private toolCentered                      As Boolean
    Private toolStyle                         As toolStyleEnum
    Private toolTipText                       As String
    Private toolActive                        As Boolean
    Private toolLineLength                    As Integer
    Private toolhWnd                          As Long
    Private toolShowTime                      As Long
    'Private Data for Class
    Private TiphWnd                           As Long
    Private ti                                As TOOLINFO
    Public Enum toolIconType
    tipNoIcon = TTI_NONE            '= 0
    tipiconinfo = TTI_INFO          '= 1
    tipIconWarning = TTI_WARNING    '= 2
    tipIconError = TTI_ERROR        '= 3
    End Enum
    Public Enum toolStyleEnum
    styleStandard = 0
    styleBalloon = 1
    End Enum
Public Function CreateBalloon(ByVal hWnd As Long, Text As String, Optional Title As String = vbNullString, Optional Icon As Integer = TTI_NONE)
    'Used to create a Balloon Tool Tip object.
    'Pass needed parameters with call.
    'Syntax: object.CreateBalloon ParentControl, Tip Text, Title, Icon
    'Title and Icon are optional, but you cant have an Icon without a Title
    'Title can be just a space, just not an empty string
    toolStyle = styleBalloon
    toolParentControl = hWnd
    toolTipText = Text
        If Title = vbNullString Then
            toolTitle = ""
            toolTitle = Title
        End If
        If Icon = Icon > TTI_ERROR Then
            toolIcon = TTI_NONE
            toolIcon = Icon
        End If
    Call Create
    Active = True
End Function
Public Function CreateTip(ByVal hWnd As Long, Text As String, Optional Title As String = vbNullString, Optional Icon As Integer = TTI_NONE)
    'Used to create a Standard (rectangle) Tool Tip object.
    'Pass needed parameters with call.
    'Syntax: object.CreateTip ParentControl, Tip Text, Title, Icon
    'Title and Icon are optional, but you cant have an Icon without a Title
    'Title can be just a space, just not an empty string
    toolStyle = styleStandard
    toolParentControl = hWnd
    toolTipText = Text
        If Title = vbNullString Then
            toolTitle = ""
            toolTitle = Title
        End If
        If Icon = vbNull Or Icon > TTI_ERROR Then
            toolIcon = TTI_NONE
            toolIcon = Icon
        End If
    Call Create
    Active = True
End Function
Private Sub Create()
    'Private sub used with Create and Update subs/functions
    Dim lpRect               As RECT
    Dim lWinStyle            As Long
    'If Tool Tip already made, destroy it and reconstruct
    'Create baloon style if desired
        If toolStyle = styleBalloon Then lWinStyle = lWinStyle Or TTS_BALLOON
    'The parent control has to be set first
        If toolParentControl <> &H0 Then
            TiphWnd = CreateWindowEx(0&, _
            TOOLTIPS_CLASSA, _
            vbNullString, _
            lWinStyle, _
            CW_USEDEFAULT, _
            CW_USEDEFAULT, _
            CW_USEDEFAULT, _
            CW_USEDEFAULT, _
            toolParentControl, _
            0&, _
            App.hInstance, _
            toolhWnd = TiphWnd
            'Make our tooltip window a topmost window
            SetWindowPos TiphWnd, _
            HWND_TOPMOST, _
            0&, _
            0&, _
            0&, _
            0&, _
            'Get the rectangle of the parent control
            GetClientRect toolParentControl, lpRect
            'Now set up our tooltip info structure
                With ti
                    'If we want it centered, then set that flag
                        If toolCentered Then
                            .lFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS Or TTF_CENTERTIP
                            .lFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS
                        End If
                    ''set the hwnd prop to our parent control's hwnd
                    .TiphWnd = toolParentControl
                    .lId = 0
                    .hInstance = App.hInstance
                    .lpszText = toolTipText
                    .lpRect = lpRect
                End With
            'Add the tooltip structure
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_ADDTOOLA, 0&, ti
            'Set Max Width to 32 characters, and enable Multi Line Tool Tips
            'SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0&, &H20
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 300
            'If we want a title or we want an icon
            'If toolTitle <> vbNullString Or toolIcon <> tipNoIcon Then
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTITLE, CLng(toolIcon), ByVal toolTitle
            'End If
                If toolForeColor <> Empty Then
                    '0 (zero) or Null is seen by the API as the default color
                    'See ForeColor property for more datails
                    SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR, toolForeColor, 0&
                End If
                If toolBackColor <> Empty Then
                    '0 (zero) or Null is seen by the API as the default color
                    'See BackColor property for more datails
                    SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR, toolBackColor, 0&
                End If
            If toolShowTime Then
                ShowTime = toolShowTime
            End If
        End If
End Sub
Private Sub Update()
    Dim aTemp                As Boolean
    'Used to update tooltip parameters that require reconfiguration of
    'subclass to envoke
    'Get current Atcive state
    aTemp = Active
    'Refresh the object
    Call Create
    'Restore the Active state
    Active = aTemp
End Sub
Public Property Get ShowTime() As Long
    ShowTime = toolShowTime
End Property
Public Property Let ShowTime(ByVal pShowTime As Long)
    If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
        toolShowTime = pShowTime
        If toolShowTime > 32767 Then
            toolShowTime = 32767
        End If
        SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_AUTOPOP, ByVal toolShowTime
    End If
End Property
Public Property Let Active(ByVal tooldata As Boolean)
    'If True, activate (show) tool tip, False deactivate (hide) tool tip
    'Syntax: true/false
    toolActive = tooldata
    SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_ACTIVATE, CInt(toolActive), ti
End Property
Public Property Get Active() As Boolean
    'Retrieving value of a property, Boolean responce (true/false)
    'Syntax: BooleanVar = object.Active
    Active = toolActive
End Property
Public Property Set ParentControl(ByVal tooldata As Object)
    'Assigning an Object to the property, set to parent object(control)
    'that the Tool Tip will "pop" up from
    'Syntax: Set object.ParentControl = ParentObject
    toolParentControl = tooldata.hWnd
End Property

Public Property Get ParentControl() As Long
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns Long Windows Handle (hWnd)of Parent.
    'Syntax: ObjectVar =  object.ParentControl
    ParentControl = toolParentControl
End Property
Public Property Let Style(ByVal tooldata As toolStyleEnum)
    'Assigning a value to the property, set style param Standard or Balloon
    'Syntax: object.Style = style
    toolStyle = tooldata
End Property

Public Property Get Style() As toolStyleEnum
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns string.
    'Syntax: StringVar = object.Style
    Style = toolStyle
End Property

Public Property Let Centered(ByVal tooldata As Boolean)
    'Assigning a value to the property, Set Boolean true/false if ToolTip
    'is centered on the parent control
    'Syntax: object.Centered = true/false
    toolCentered = tooldata
End Property

Public Property Get Centered() As Boolean
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns Boolean true/false.
    'Syntax: BooleanVar =  object.Centered
    Centered = toolCentered
End Property
Public Property Let Icon(ByVal tooldata As toolIconType)
    'Assigning a value to the property, set icon style with type var.
    'Syntax: object.Icon = iconStyle
    'Icon Styles are: INFO, WARNING and ERROR (tipNoIcom, tipIconInfo, tipIconWarning, tipIconError)
    toolIcon = tooldata
    'If tipHwnd <> 0 And toolTitle <> Empty And toolIcon <> tipNoIcon Then
        If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTITLE, CLng(toolIcon), ByVal toolTitle
        End If
End Property

Public Property Get Icon() As toolIconType
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns string.
    'Syntax: StringVar =  object.Icon
    Icon = toolIcon
End Property

Public Property Let ForeColor(ByVal tooldata As Long)
    'Assigning a value to the property, set RGB value as Long.
    'Syntax: object.ForeColor = RGB (as Long)
    'Since 0 is Black (no RGB), and the API thinks 0 is
    'the default color ("off" yellow),
    'we need to "fudge" Black a bit (yes set bit "1" to "1",)
    'I couldn't resist the pun!
    'So, in module or form code, if setting to Black, make it "1"
    'if restoring the default color, make it "0"
    'Syntax: object.ForeColor = RGB(as long)
    toolForeColor = tooldata
        If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR, toolForeColor, 0&
        End If
End Property

Public Property Get ForeColor() As Long
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns RGB value as Long.
    'Syntax: LongVar =  object.ForeColor
    ForeColor = toolForeColor
End Property
Public Property Let Title(ByVal tooldata As String)
    'Assigning a value to the property, set as string.
    'Syntax: object.Title = StringVar
    toolTitle = tooldata
    'If tipHwnd <> 0 And toolTitle <> Empty And toolIcon <> tipNoIcon Then
        If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTITLE, CLng(toolIcon), ByVal toolTitle
        End If
End Property

Public Property Get Title() As String
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns string.
    'Syntax: StringVar =  object.Title
    Title = toolTitle
End Property

Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal tooldata As Long)
    'Assigning a value to the property, set RGB value as Long.
    'Syntax: object.BackColor = RGB (as Long)
    'Since 0 is Black (no RGB), and the API thinks 0 is
    'the default color ("off" yellow),
    'we need to "fudge" Black a bit (yes set bit "1" to "1",)
    'I couldn't resist the pun!
    'So, in module or form code, if setting to Black, make it "1"
    'if restoring the default color, make it "0"
    toolBackColor = tooldata
        If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR, toolBackColor, 0&
        End If
End Property

Public Property Get BackColor() As Long
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns RGB as Long.
    'Syntax: LongVar =  object.BackColor
    BackColor = toolBackColor
End Property
Public Property Let TipText(ByVal tooldata As String)
    'Assigning a value to the property, Set as String.
    'Syntax: object.TipText = StringVar
    'Multi line Tips are enabled in the Create sub.
    'To change lines, just add a vbCrLF between text
    'ex. object.TipText= "Line 1 text" & vbCrLF & "Line 2 text"
    toolTipText = tooldata
    ti.lpszText = toolTipText
        If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
            SendMessage TiphWnd, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA, 0&, ti
        End If
End Property

Public Property Get TipText() As String
    'Retrieving value of a property, returns string.
    'Syntax: StringVar =  object.TipText
    TipText = toolTipText
End Property
Public Property Get hWnd() As Long
    'Retrive Windows Handle of the Tool Tip
    'Syntax: LongVar = object.ToolhWnd
    hWnd = toolhWnd
End Property
Public Function Remove() As Boolean
    'Kills Tool Tip Object
End Function
Private Sub Tool_Tip_Terminate()
        If TiphWnd <> 0 Then
            DestroyWindow TiphWnd
            TiphWnd = 0
        End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
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