Flow Graoh version 16.1.0 |
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Groupie Joined: 20 April 2009 Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Posted: 30 April 2013 at 11:20am |
Lot of bugs in the new release 16.1.0.
1. File format has changed and no ascendant compatibility has been given. 2. New file format doesn't remember size of node. 3. API to add a connection point to a node has been changed (AddNamedConnectionPoints), but we have no access to the connection point created. Sample FlowGraphSample has some bugs due to this restriction like being unable to rename the connection point created. and so on ... Tickets has been opened. Could we waiting for a hot patch ?
Groupie Joined: 07 May 2012 Status: Offline Points: 37 |
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1. There's no backward compatibility for old file format
2. Will fix it the next release 3. Yes, API is changed. See Workspace\Support\FlowGraph\NewFlowGraphDoc.pdf
Groupie Joined: 20 April 2009 Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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1. No backward compatibility is just amazing : do you think you sold a library to don't be used ! With tinyXml library, it remains some problems with node size but if it can help someone ...
TiXmlDocument* pXMLSchedulers = new TiXmlDocument( "Schedulers.xml" ); TiXmlDocument* pXMLFlowGraph = new TiXmlDocument( "FlowGraph.xml" ); map <string, pair<string,string> > connectionPointMap; if ( pXMLSchedulers->LoadFile( TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 )) { TiXmlNode* pSchedulers = pXMLSchedulers->FirstChild("Schedulers"); if (pSchedulers) { TiXmlElement flowGraph("FlowGraph"); flowGraph.SetAttribute("CompactMode","1"); TiXmlNode *pFlowGraph = pXMLFlowGraph->InsertEndChild(flowGraph); TiXmlNode* pPages = pSchedulers->FirstChild("Pages"); while (pPages != NULL) { TiXmlNode *pPagesClone = pPages->Clone(); pFlowGraph->LinkEndChild(pPagesClone); TiXmlNode *pPage = pPagesClone->FirstChild("Page"); while (pPage) { TiXmlNode *pNode = pPage->FirstChild("Node"); while (pNode) { string idNode = Util::Convert("%ld",pNode); TiXmlElement *pNodeElement = pNode->ToElement(); pNodeElement->SetAttribute("Id",idNode.c_str()); // don't know how to calc real size. pNodeElement->SetAttribute("UserSize","200, 200"); TiXmlNode *pConnectionPoint = pNode->FirstChild("ConnectionPoint"); uint index = 0; while (pConnectionPoint) { TiXmlElement* pConnectionPointElement = pConnectionPoint->ToElement(); // Create name attribute CString newPointName; newPointName.Format(_T("%ld"), Timer().Start()); pConnectionPointElement->SetAttribute("Name",newPointName); // Memorize Id to reconnect string idConnectionPoint = pConnectionPointElement->Attribute("Id"); connectionPointMap[idConnectionPoint]=make_pair(idNode,Util::Convert("%d",index)); pConnectionPointElement->RemoveAttribute("Id"); pConnectionPoint = pConnectionPoint->NextSibling("ConnectionPoint"); index++; } pNode = pNode->NextSibling("Node"); } TiXmlNode *pConnection = pPage->FirstChild("Connection"); while (pConnection) { TiXmlElement *pConnectionElement = pConnection->ToElement(); string input = pConnectionElement->Attribute("Input"); string output = pConnectionElement->Attribute("Output"); if (connectionPointMap.find(input) == connectionPointMap.end() || connectionPointMap.find(output) == connectionPointMap.end()) { assert(false); continue; } pConnectionElement->SetAttribute("InputNode",connectionPointMap[input].first.c_str()); pConnectionElement->SetAttribute("InputPointIndex",connectionPointMap[input].second.c_str()); pConnectionElement->SetAttribute("OutputNode",connectionPointMap[output].first.c_str()); pConnectionElement->SetAttribute("OutputPointIndex",connectionPointMap[output].second.c_str()); pConnectionElement->RemoveAttribute("Input"); pConnectionElement->RemoveAttribute("Output"); pConnection = pConnection->NextSibling("Connection"); } pPage = pPage->NextSibling("Page"); } pPages = pPages->NextSibling("Pages"); } } } bool ret = pXMLFlowGraph->SaveFile(); delete pXMLSchedulers; delete pXMLFlowGraph; 2. Ok. When is the next release ? 3. No. This is not an api changed but a bug. Your sample try to give a chance to the user to rename a connecting point added. With theses changes, you can't (no return with the new method AddNamedConnectionPoints) and the sample code is wrong, trying to rename not the connection point added but the last selected. 4. I have opened so many tickets with no return that it seems that my english is not understood. Cheers, L.
Groupie Joined: 07 May 2012 Status: Offline Points: 37 |
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AddNamedConnectionPoints doesn't return any values. 16.2 release with FlowGraph issues fixed is released on 14 of June 2013Please read the document called 'NewFlowGraphDoc.pdf', it describes new approach towards connection points and default nodes. Your support tickets will be answered.
Groupie Joined: 20 April 2009 Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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This is not serious. And please don't tell me to read the documentation, the API AddNamedConnectionPoints is not used correctly in YOUR sample because of changes. FlowGraphSampleView.cpp : line 1021 else if (nCommand == ID_CONNECTIONPOINT_ADD) { static int iConnectionPointN = 0; CString newPointName; newPointName.Format(_T("New connection point %d"), iConnectionPointN++); pNode->AddNamedConnectionPoints(newPointName, xtpFlowGraphPointInputAndOutput); m_wndControl.RedrawControl(); m_wndControl.RenameConnectionPoint(pConnectionPoint); <=== WRONG CODE } Tickets opened with no answer (no mail returns with id, created here https://www.codejock.com/support/). Disappointed. |
Groupie Joined: 07 May 2012 Status: Offline Points: 37 |
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The crash is fixed and will be available soon in 16.2.1
Groupie Joined: 20 April 2009 Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Some news for the next release date (16.2.1) ?
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